So, i injured my ring finger

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2 years ago

Ok, let me not make you all worry about my ring finger I'm just writing a true tragedy happened to me. You can guess it through that if I'm not OK with my ring finger how gonna I publish my article. Although ring finger doesn't play a vital role while typing but it helps a lot while holding phone for article writing.

Let's go back to 2 weeks, before two weeks I badly injured my ring finger obviously while playing basketball.

It was end of faculty matches and my team got second position. I started going to gymnasium everyday so I better make good version of myself. While playing solo, I understand my mistakes and I was busy in making those mistakes correct. Some girls of Arabic department came and told me to teach them basketball too. Although I was exhausted because according to my schedule I go to gymnasium at 9 and upto 10 i was playing like anonymous player. Those girl told me that they want to play like me, so I better teach them all that moves. I accepted those words and started teaching them, while teaching them I learned some new things because at that time I was feeling like myself a pro player that might bey mistake which led me to finger injury. After teaching them board shoot I stepped toward the line from where we shoot called free shoot, my all time favourite shoot. Well i did shoot and gracefully it was basket, means i did shoot and it reached basketball. Happily I rushed inside court to get the ball, so I can do another shoot too. But when got their somehow I lost my grip over ball, being unintentional about ball, ball touched the ground and with force it touched with my ring finger. So, what was next blood clotting started inside my nail, also swelling of my finger started. Being feeling like a pro player, some drops of mild water came out of my eyes. I was just one step away from shouting. I was bearing all that pain internally. One of my friend came fortunately, seeing me in pain. She shouted at me first why did I hurt myself? Next she brought me to medical. The worst medical of my university. Well they sprayed over my finger and applied the gauze.

Time-lapse of my team basketball match

Next, morning when my dear coach called everyone to play a official match. I came there too although I was still having a pain in my finger. Well after playing a little bit i found myself too weak to hold a ball. Because my coach has alloted the duty of GUARD, as being guard you have a special control over ball. After playing a little more my coach found that I have injured my ring finger very badly. So, she ordered me being injured you have to leave the court and should take a rest. Well i accepted her saying because i never argued with my mentor, their respect is my first priority. Well, sitting out of court and only watching other players match made me Little bit sad. My passion was like to play even with such condition but my nail pain was a hindrance.

Days passes by everyday going to gymnasium but unable to play keeps me sad. But i also found once leverage with such incident. I usually do play with my right hand but this incident made my grip over ball from left hand too.

That's why I learned a lesson never blame any incident, nor marked any tragedy bad. There is something in such miseries. Like the coordination of my left and basketball was weak. Although I was injured my left hand but I kept my consistency of dribbling via left hand.

Now after 2 weeks now I'm fit and fine, I'm now a good player with both hand. Now I'm happy, I can play more amazingly. One day I'll make gif of my shoot and will gonna share it with you guys too.

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2 years ago
