Single day with three different activities

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11 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Personal, ...

Asalam o Alaikum everyone. It's your Own Bibijani01 after long time. Hope you all are already doing great. It's my first post after long vacation but to be honest I'm very passionate to start writing again.

Although i have alot to share here because I saved every single Picture about things i have done in my past. Some are my victories and some are ny failures. Actually i have save all that for blogging, read dot cash is indeed a very right place to post. Let's begin with our today's activities.

I woke up at 11 am when I heard the sound of heavy rain fall. This rainfall made my day actually here in pakistan, people's are craving for rain. Due to very hot temperature, rain is sort of blessings for people over here. I did my break fast and also i did Some of my daily chores. Right at 2 Pm the weather was so pleasant, like you can go to your lawn and admire the beauty of nature especially after rain. During that time, i saw a snail in my garden and came back to my room and grabbed my phone and snapped snail walk. The snail was kind of big than any normal one. I only took the snap and left the snail on his way. Beacuse i respect nature and everything inside it.

Here in my garden there's a tree of (jaman). I don't know if any of you are familiar with this fruit or not. Let me. Know in comment section. It's kind of juicy summer fruit and very common in pakistan. Here is the picture.

By the way i With very hard work plucked some of Jaman's from the tree. It was tasty, moreover i didn't need to wash it because Rain water already did this for me. Time flew in seconds. And got the call from my coach for basketball practice.

At 5:30 pm i left for basketball practice. playing basket in summer is very exhausting, due to high sweating. But today it was great Beacuse of rain and pleasant weather. I wish for same weather every day. Actually i have match in upcoming week, for that I'm busy with my practice.

So this was All from my side. Today was great. Much better than other days when I have had nothing to do. Lol

By the way How are you all doing? I'm waiting to see how many of my old read dot cash mates are still writing. I'll definitely go and check out you'r all articles. 🥳


This post belongs to me. I have shared my own personal experience in the format of blog, my own article actually, my own content.

Lead picture clicked by me
All pictures clicked by me #Bibijani01 

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Avatar for Bibijani01
11 months ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Personal, ...


I just knew Jaman today, thanks to you. It looks like grapes and it indeed looks juicy. I wonder how it taste. It must be really good.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Great guess but dear it's more tasty and juicy than grapes. You'll get it very easily in pakistan and India.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Wow, that is surely delicious! I think it's like banana or mango in the Philippines 'cause we can get it easily here too just as apples in the other countries.

$ 0.00
11 months ago

Yesterday we have a rainy weather and now I think the sun is starting to shine again.

$ 0.01
11 months ago

That's great, having rain once a week is also a blessing for me. Hehe

$ 0.00
11 months ago