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Avatar for Bhaiya
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3 years ago

Dare to lose

Not everyone lives.

Slowly losing

Once upon a time I was

Becoming brave,

I'm not afraid to lose anymore ...

Suffering from the wound of humiliation

How many survived?

I have to bow down

It took a lot of courage ...

Once upon a time

All disrespect!

To say though

Society will be built on classless discrimination ..

But you drowned and escaped

In feudalism!

What a wonderful pastime !!

The pain of living in disgrace

Never mind ..

In what arrogance

Disrespecting others,

Live in the existing tabiyate;

I do not know.


That country is the pot of tomorrow

Understand your problem,

Nowadays you are theirs

Don't kill the shadows!

A lot of camel bird heads

Like hiding in a hole in the ground;

I think no one is watching!

Sometimes it seems

Only wealth and splendor

At the family Oscars

You're so naughty ...

And how long to avoid problems

Go on the run?

Life is almost half a century!

The dawn of pure relief or

The peace of a sleepless night,

Never lose that,

I do not get bowed or accepted!

But on you

There was responsibility

The next generation ..

What do you teach them!

I or what I learned!

Does not solve the problem

Running away?


Bowed in disgrace



You have to live with your head held high

They did not understand!

Where will we keep this responsibility?

What do you think?

Where will we keep this responsibility ??

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