Bleaching Chathrite

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4 years ago

You know you do not leave me anywhere. How good is the boyfriend's love. The week took the week to go. And you will not take a day one day. -Bab, the greatest boy's friend is the greater. Your treasure is the poor boyfriend. He has not so much to be that you will take you to walk every day, with them eating. And if you sit in the control, Mashalla What else will say How to eat food on the hottest stomach, I do not care about how to do. - You will not take me to turn? Did you grow up the money? -San, your father is a lot of money. There is no lack, they will be mine in the future. Lend some money afterwards. Then you will take you to go every day. -The time is looking for my father's money. Everyone is fairly carefully with his father's money. And you felt the girl's flame with the pain of the girl's pain. I'm not foolish that I will love your money in your father's love. Break up for one month with you. - Gold, you understand the mistake. I say that way. - You do not know how to say that you take bread with you. Then my girlfriend's disappearance for one month. After a month I know, you do not call me like before. Sarah about the phone before the phone. And now keep two minutes with me. - I know all the birds I see. Last you have been spoken on my phone five hundred and twenty minutes. I gave them Phone hundred fifty minutes. And you gave me seventy minutes only. You are behind three hundred and eighty minutes. - Are you seriously or will not take money? Looking for you, all the boyfriends call girlfriends. And there are some bulls boyfriends they give up to the girlfriend's root load. And you will calculate this little thing. - You have to do as hum. Well, I'm alone in the bus. So both thought that they would share equal equally. Since I'm picking you. If we talk about one hundred minutes, I will say sixty minutes and you will forty minutes. I told you about Tk 20 taka for the bird. - You have understood how you love me. - How much love me, it is understood. I'm sixty-sixteen in a hundred and place. It is also more to you. I do not have so much pieces of me like a cheethest. Break up for six months. After six months after seeing Girlfriend. Know the job now. Let's go to shopping today. Give me a sari. Put the soldiers with you and keep your hands on your covenant. - You can not walk on the sari. Just because you just waste my money? From one of them, we buy a panties with one hundred rupees and three pans. Then you can run them out. Will you take me shopping or tell it? Why do you do so drama? Let's take the shopping by showing the situation. Then what else? My five thousand taka's girlfriends were thrown behind the handle. I think I would take away my back. After a while. If you want to know you can gift me shirt, Punjabi etc. -Sean, not now. Now the hand is absolutely empty. After buying it later. -Ma's birthday is birthday. And you will not fill me? (Emotional blackmail). It seems to be done. - If you want, I will like it. -The Mumb Birds. Then after the show room went to the room. Find out how beautiful it is. With the hand, the price is just four hundred rupees. -Then it does not know. I took a two-banned money shirt. Look, I did not do good to it? -Hhh, many people have adopted. Give me the shirts. Girline's look like the generation of my eyes is the situation. It's not good at that time. If you read it, you need joke. Look at another side. I took another fifty taka. Look it nice how much I made me. That's what I will have perfect for me. What happened to you? How long did you like your choice. And now how down your cheeks down. How did you like it? People have a taste. You do not have it. Then I sacrificed my three types of garments shirts like Girlfriend's choice. Thus, thousands of greater girls have survived in the blood of some poor boyfriend.

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4 years ago


Great article

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4 years ago