The history of Fine Arts, a museum from another world!

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2 years ago
Alba Ciudad

Art is very beautiful and a very original way of expressing oneself, so a visit to a museum is wonderful and a great experience. For this reason, in the city of Caracas-Venezuela we can find some of them, including the Museum of Fine Arts. This museum has a not very common history, giving us really valuable and magnificent works that the human being has ever seen.

Fundación Arquitectura y Ciudad

It all began in 1917 when the president (E) Victorino Marquez Bustillos, decreed its creation with sections of painting, sculpture and architecture, to show that art is something unique and must be shown. At the beginning its location was a space in the Central University of Venezuela, then adjacent to the National Museum, but in 1938 they inaugurated its own headquarters, a neoclassical building designed by the renowned architect Carlos Raul Villanueva, located in Los Caobos Park.

Venezolana de Televisión

It currently has 18 exhibition halls, exhibiting works from different periods and cultures from Latin America, North America and even Europe. It also has a valuable compilation of works on paper, in techniques such as drawing, printmaking and photography, as well as objects representative of Egyptian Art and Chinese Ceramics.


In fact, something that most attracts the attention of locals and tourists is the area where a series of panoramic photographs taken in the field of the Battle of Carabobo are displayed. For this reason, the large-format images seek to highlight the scale and particularities of the terrain as well as its landscape quality, often ignored by traditional representations of the conflict. In this sense, the exhibition offers a reworking of the theme in a contemporary key and contributes to the enrichment of the national historical imaginary. However, such images embrace in a way the disciplinary advances that have taken place from the 19th century to the present day.

Venezolana de Televisión

Venezuela has an incredible culture and history, so to pass up these great museums like the Fine Arts Museum is really impossible. I must admit that the first time I stepped on this great place was magical, I felt like a character of history with each exhibition room I visited. It's a trip!

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2 years ago
