The history of Ellora a completely different world!

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2 years ago

Historia National Geographic

On the slopes of the Charanandri Mountains in India were excavated during the seventh and eleventh centuries a series of monasteries and temples belonging to three of the great religions of the subcontinent: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, which unlike other caves like Ajanta never ceased to be visited. However, thanks to a young British man during 1810 made this place famous, mentioning it as one of the most fascinating monuments of India, being called as the Ellora Caves.

Historial National Geographic

It is very important to highlight that one of the most visited caves is the Kailash, where you can see the paintings that stand out for their beauty in the murals. However, the temples carved into the rock of Ellora stand out for their numerous sculptures and reliefs. But in some temples, such as the Kailash, there are still remains of frescoes that recreate mythological episodes, such as the one reproduced here.

Historial National Geographic

The cave number 29 called Dumar Lena is part of one of the most interesting Hindu temples of Ellora, which was dated in the eighth century and decorated with sculptural reliefs that recreate episodes from the life of God Shiva.


Many of the tourists mention that it is as if it were a trip back in time, because the feelings of admiration and amazement that this place can cause is completely fascinating. Well, this place actually has 34 temples: 17 Hindu, 12 Buddhist and 5 Jain. Most of them are open caves in the mountain, and only two are isolated temples, also carved into the rock but gradually separated until they are practically exempt.

Con Mochila

This place impresses with its profusion and beauty of carvings, reliefs and sculptures of gigantic Buddhas inside the Buddhist temples. They tell stories of their own, so it is easy to attract the world's attention, but unfortunately it is little known nowadays. However, it is a necessary stop during a stay in India. To know it is amazing!

Coleccionado imanes

I must admit that this great place impressed me, because it is amazing how a mountain has more than 30 caves and each one tells a story really out of the ordinary. Not to mention that they also honor their beliefs and that it has never stopped being visited, it is simply amazing.

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2 years ago
