Phnom Penh's history as a place like no other!

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2 years ago
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The capital of Cambodia is like a trip to another world, where places and history dominate this place, making it an unparalleled experience. The riverside promenades, colonial buildings and more are the representative foundations of the place. Not to mention that its history is based on the decision made by King Phenea Tay to abandon the mythical city of Angkor Wat due to pressure from the Thais.

Historia National Geographic

It is important to mention that there are several studies that raise significant hypotheses such as the possibility of new trade routes with neighboring countries, food shortages and epidemics that were the cause of focusing on the locality, due to its advantageous geographical location.


Currently Phnom Penh is a city made up of stores, bars, restaurants and a significant number of hotels that serve as a source of strategic access for visitors.


This place has religious, architectural and historical treasures that favor the encounter and makes this visit amazing. An example of the same would be the Genocide Crimes Museum, also known as Toul Seng, derived its construction under the interest of establishing an educational center, but unfortunately it was later used by the leader Pol Pot and his followers as a torture center. Today, you can see the evidence of the acts that caused the disappearance of more than three million Comboyanos citizens.

Diario del Viajero

There is also the Royal Palace, which is a significant architectural sample of the period of political development in the region. Not to mention the Independence Monument honoring Norodom Sihanouk, Wat Phnom and the Silver Pagoda.


However, for people attracted by Asian culture will not miss the opportunity to visit museums such as the National Museum of Cambodia, the National Library of Cambodia and the Toul Seng. Not to mention that the way of dressing, the language, customs and respect for the monarchical figure are some of the elements inherited from the Khmer culture. Isn't it impressive?

Lonely Planet

This city aroused in me an intense curiosity, because it can easily catch you by its culture and its history in general. Really, you can't miss this place once you visit Comboya.

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2 years ago
Topics: World, Nature, Humans, Travel, Goals, ...
