My sweet 18 years

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2 years ago

Three weeks ago I celebrated my sweet 18. I really consider it as the best birthday, since my previous birthdays were not very good. In some I cried because of loneliness, while in others because of problems that I had not been able to solve, both with myself and with the people around me, therefore, since the beginning of this year, I planned it, I wanted my 18th to be unforgettable for me. However, there were many difficulties, but I managed to solve them and I knew how to let them pass, and somehow enjoy. So I will start at the beginning.

El Imparcial

I don't have many friends, I like solitude or to be with people who give me peace and good vibes, because I don't like to be surrounded by the toxic. My social circle is based on a few people, which I invited all of them, there were only seven of us. I was excited, I had never gone out with friends to enjoy myself.

I planned to go for lunch only, however my family had a surprise prepared for me at home, since the main idea was a Hello Kitty themed gathering, since I am a big fan. But, I didn't know what was going to happen until I got home that day.


Hours before, many friends cancelled me so far four of them were going, but I have to emphasize that I preferred not to worry about it, I wanted to be happy that day, since, I love my birthday, I feel that day only belongs to me and I am responsible for having a good time or not. I stayed positive, I dressed up in my style and honestly every outfit I wore was very much my personality, and I loved the way I looked.

Before going to the agreed meeting, I went to pick up my cousin first. My mom suggested inviting him and I really missed him, so I invited him without hesitation. He came with a childhood friend, who accompanied me on this trip. When I arrived at the agreed time I waited half an hour, maximum one hour and none of them, none of my friends arrived, I never knew what happened. I am not going to lie, I did feel bad at that moment, I felt lonely, in fact I wondered if I was really a bad person or if they did not like to have me around.

I remember that at that moment I remembered that I didn't need anyone to make me happy myself, so the company of my cousins was more than enough. The sadness that for a second invaded me fled, maybe they had something more important to do, so I understand that, however that was not going to ruin my fabulous day.


We moved on, we ate and walked around the mall, the laughter was never lacking, the peace and the vibes of those two were incredible, I felt in my comfort zone. On the way to eat ice cream I ran into my best friend, he really impressed me, he asked me what I was doing in those parts and that kept me thinking. Without giving him much importance I reminded him that it was my birthday, said goodbye and just kept going.

It was getting late, they were waiting for me at home, however I invited my cousins, since they lived so far away that it was too late to walk around. Arriving home I found a big surprise, and yes, the one I mentioned before, the decoration was super nice and the cake very beautiful. I will insert that picture here.

Relatives started to arrive, cousins and even my sister attended, all super nice. I think we talked late that night and it was at that moment that I realized, and I felt it was the best birthday ever. I will always thank my family and the universe for that day.

Well, this story like everything else has a message and that is that it doesn't matter if your friends attend or not, only you can make yourself happy that day, you don't need to depend on someone else to do it. Even having a date with yourself is a good plan, dressing up for you, all for you. At the end of the day, self-love and our mental health is paramount.

Do your theme the way you want, no matter your age, the important thing here is that you enjoy that day that only belongs to you, if you want to go out to eat, do it, if you want to ride a bike, do it, if you want to party, do it, let nothing stop you, because it is your happiness. It doesn't matter if there are people around you or not, keep a positive attitude, people eventually come and go, others will have some commitments and you have to understand that. So don't get frustrated or even less discouraged because of that.


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Ourselves are the key to be happy!

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2 years ago


Happy birthday to you 🎉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey! It is fun turning 18! Yes, the most important is you enjoyed your day. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes! It's really great, thank you very much

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2 years ago