Doggies are able to tell what time it is!

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1 year ago

Surely at some point we have asked ourselves ¨Why does my pet wake me up at the same time every day?¨ Well, the answer really to this is that they are able to know what time it is. This is possible due to the reference they have, such as day and night, as they are reflected in the changes in light intensity and temperature. However, they are not only able to know what time it is with this reference, since they have other resources to know it.

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Their organism has other mechanisms to quantify the passage of time and one of these mechanisms is found in their nose, which behaves like a real clock. It is important to point out that dogs' sense of smell is between 10,000 and 100,000 times more powerful than that of a human being, making them easily able to detect changes in the environment. With this highly developed sense, they are also able to pick up the unique scent of each individual, which is due to the particles that are released from the individual and remain in the air.

Having said that, I must emphasize that this scent is attenuated as the hours go by, since they manage to capture these particles and lick their truffle so that it is transmitted to their sense of smell, thus being able to calculate the concentration of these particles. This allows them to understand when someone leaves the house and at what time they will return, of course, provided that the member of the household follows their regular schedule.

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It is very important to mention that the odors in a room move throughout the day due to the currents and movements of both cold and warm air. This helps the dogs in such a way that they can smell the time, as these cycles let them know how many hours have passed since a certain activity and anticipate when a repeat or a new one is coming up.


Personally, I found this information very impressive, since I had no knowledge of it. I must admit that this story is very helpful to understand our pets a little more, dogs are able to know what time it is!

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1 year ago
