There is no further from this point, and there is no living soul on it!

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Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago

The farthest point from any land on our planet is the so-called "Point Nemo."

Where is it?

In the middle of the ocean surrounded by millions of km2 of water surface. Its geographical coordinates are 48 ° 52.6 ′ south latitude and 123 ° 23.6 ′ west longitude.

The nearest mainland is more than 1600 km (small islands from the group of Easter Islands). It is interesting that the closest people to this point are those who are in space, on the international space station. Point Nemo is located in an inaccessible part of the ocean, an area in the center of the South Pacific, farthest from land and people, and from anywhere else on Earth. Nemo is located exactly between Australia, South America and Antarctica. It takes over 2,700 kilometers from Point Nemo to the nearest mainland, and those are the islands of Pitcairn in the north, the Easter Islands in the west and Antarctica in the south.

Neither ships nor planes pass over this area and there is absolutely nothing but the ocean. And precisely because the place is so far from civilization and traffic, it was chosen as the best for the graveyard of spacecraft and satellites, without fear that an uncontrolled crash of the plane could injure or cause damage.

Exactly four kilometers below the surface of the ocean is the largest cemetery of spacecraft and satellites since 1971. In the last 48 years, over 300 aircraft and satellites have ended their lives here.

Most of the "inhabitants" of Point Nemo, more precisely about 200 buildings, belong to Russia. The heaviest spacecraft that crashed there in 2001 is also Russian-made, and it is the MIR space station weighing 140 tons.

It is here that the International Space Station (ISS) is planned to end its century after 2024

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$ 0.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for BettyBoop
3 years ago
