The Olympic myth of the creation of the world

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3 years ago

In the beginning of all things, Mother Earth Gea, rose from Chaos and was born in the dream of Uranus. Watching her lovingly from the mountain, Uranus pours fertile rain on her secret cracks, and she gives birth to grass, flowers and trees, along with beasts and birds. This rain caused rivers to flow and cavities to be filled with water, and so the seas and lakes became.

Her first children - half-humans - were the old giants Brijarej, Gig and Kot. Then three one-eyed Cyclops appeared, who were builders of giant walls and master blacksmiths, first in Thrace, and later in Crete and Ziki. The Cyclops were called Bront, Sterop, and Argej, and their spirits lived in the volcanic craters of Etna until Apollo killed them to avenge the death of Asclepius.

Uranus gave birth to the Titans with Mother Earth, as he put his rebellious sons Cyclops in Tartarus, in the gloomy underworld, which is as far from the earth as the earth is from the sky. The anvil would take nine days to fall to the bottom.

In order to take revenge, Mother Earth persuaded the Titans to strike at their father, and they did so. They were led by Kron, who was the youngest of the seven and when his mother armed him with a flint sickle. They surprised Uranus in his sleep and the ruthless Crohn castrated him with a flint sickle, grabbed his genitals with his left hand (since then his left hand has always been considered a bad omen) and threw them into the sea near Cape Drepanum.

But drops of blood from the wound fell on Mother Earth, and she gave birth to three Erinyes, furies who avenge the crimes of parental murder and perjury; they were called Alekta, Tisifona and Megajra. Ash tree nymphs, called Melia, are also born from this blood.

The Titans then released the Cyclops from Tartarus and entrusted all power to the Crown. But as soon as he became the supreme lord, Kron again put the Cyclops in Tartarus together with the Storuks and, taking his sister Rea as his wife, ruled over Elis.

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3 years ago
