Don't hold back tears, crying is good for health.

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3 years ago

Accumulated stress leads to stress - from health problems, such as an increased risk of heart attack, anxiety and high blood pressure. People who cry often are characterized as overly sensitive. And while some may consider this to be true, in reality, people who cry often perceive things in a meaningful way.

Suppressing emotions is never healthy. It is common in our culture to celebrate those who can ignore stress. In reality, the accumulated stress leads to stress - from health problems, such as an increased risk of heart attack, anxiety and high blood pressure. It is a common misconception that people who cry often are the saddest people. On the contrary, crying improves mood. Crying provides emotional relief that allows us to let go of sadness. We all have reasons to cry at some point in life, and those who allow it are able to resolve their pain and look to a brighter future.

Whether you believe that vulnerability is a strength or a weakness, it is undoubtedly a challenge. Only a brave person can show his feelings to other people. Those who cry are at risk of condemnation, misunderstanding and belittling.

Most of us are not ready to be vulnerable because of that, but people who cry still take risks. So who said crying is a weakness?

The tears are authentic. As it slides down your face, there is no help for you - you admit to yourself what you are feeling. Crying is not only courage, it is also a sincere reflection of the heart. People who cry often face their own reality much more often. When a person can acknowledge the state of his soul, it leads him to a more sincere life.

Life is really full of ups and downs. Everyone experiences joy and suffering. People who cry more often, whether it is tears of happiness or sadness, can feel emotions that add color to life. Suffering and joy go hand in hand and you can't rule out one emotion and still feel another. People who cry often have a better quality of life, because they accept everything that happens exactly as it is. Regardless of gender, personality type or life circumstances, it is easy to see the benefits of good crying. If you want to have a completely healthy and strong mind, let your tears flow.

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3 years ago
