Greetings, distinguished members of this reputable platform! Betman is now amongst you!
Speaking of distinguish… There are people who do not distinguish Betman from Batman. So, before you find out who Betman is, you need to know who Betman isn’t. Betman does not have anything with a dramatically drawn psychopath in a silly tight ballet leggings.
You see, BetMan is a BETting MANiac, a tomato junky in the everlasting search of a reliable tomato dealer. An addict who has been treated at the Institute for Tomato Addiction and endured a severe betting treatment in an attempt to cure his tomato addiction. Didn’t work. There is nothing better in this World than tomato.
Betman basically resides at Scorum, and you can find more about him there. Main page is this one, but he mirrors his texts at other decentralized platforms, like for example Hive and Steemit.
He was a member at, but that platform went full fraud modus, so you will not see his posts there.
Betman’s mission
In short, Betman’s mission is sports & betting related. He is here to explain that professional sports is a fascist shenanigan, as can be seen from the evidences laid by the Philosophy PhD, and a former top World athlete Dr. Ljubodrag Simonović in his texts ‘Olympism and Fascism’ from the book “The Olympic Deceit of the ‘Divine Baron’ – Pierre de Coubertin” in which he breaks the ‘humanistic’ myth of Pierre de Coubertin, and his documentary “Olympic Flame”.
The other part of Betman’s mission is to introduce people to the technology of decentralized betting (originating in the almost desolated BetScorum platform), which could swipe off looting centralized bookies – the other wing of a fascist idea of professional sports system of robbery and destruction of human lives.
The third part of Betman’s mission is to introduce people to cryptocurrencies. One advice of utmost importance Betman will leave here for you to remember it for eternity, to carve it in stone… or in blockchain, and never to forget it:
Before you go into cryptocurrency buying spree, LEARN HOW TO KEEP YOUR KEYS!
On this platform you will no doubt earn some BCH which is a serious money. Therefore, it would be advisable first to test your keys-keep-ability on the less known (and worthy) crypto like SCR, which you can get over at and BetScorum. When you learn to keep its keys, then you will be able to make your own saving account with BCH.