The recent trend in technology has created vast knowledge in creativity and development, Telegram is part of the innovation raised by technology.
Telegram has grown from it's least position to one of the most used social application worldwide. Businesses have been groomed and managed using telegram. In order to respond faster and accurately to conversations, bots have been created.
What Are Telegram Bots?
As the name implies, Bots are autonomous program on a network (especially the Internet) which can interact with systems or users. Some are created to interact and some created for a gaming interface.
Getting down to the main content of the article, One would love to create a bot to give automated response to business clients or the build a gaming interface for it's users but for which ever reasons it may be, Here's how to create A Bot On Telegram.
How To Create A Telegram Bot Using BotFather
BotFather is a telegram bot that helps in customizing and creating other bots.
To create a bot using Bot Father, follow the Steps below;
Click on the link
Respond with the command /newbot to create a bot.
Method 2: How To Create a telegram bot
Install Node.Js ; you can download one here
Follow further instructions here
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