The amazing whiskers of cats

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3 years ago

Domestic cats are primarily nocturnal. Whiskers obviously help them identify nearby objects and catch their prey, especially after dark.

Remember: Cat whiskers are attached to tissue that has multiple nerve endings. These nerves are sensitive to the slightest movement of air. As a result, cats can spot nearby objects without seeing them, which is obviously beneficial in the dark.

Because whiskers are sensitive to pressure, cats use them to determine the position and movement of an object or prey. Whiskers also help cats measure the width of the opening before attempting to pass through it. The Encyclopædia Britannica acknowledges that the functions of mustaches are only partially understood; However, if the chat is cut, it is known to be temporarily disabled.

Scientific Researchers are developing robots equipped with sensors that mimic cat whiskers to help robots navigate obstacles. These sensors, called e-whiskers, are expected to have a wide range of advanced robotic applications, user interfaces between human machines and biological applications.

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