Scientists have witnessed how a mysterious subatomic "quasiparticle" referred to as a skyrmion is able to replicate itself in an unusual way.
Skyrmion is viewed a quasiparticle due to the fact, in most cases, it behaves like a massless subatomic particle.
During an experiment on finding out how skyrmions are formed, a group of physicists from the Ames laboratory of the US Department of Energy observed that these particles divide into two parts and then again and again — nearly like biological cells. In addition, they are clumps of electricity and magnetic forces that self-organized into constructions that resemble densely spaced atoms interior crystal lattices.
Physicists consider that if they find a way to manipulate these quasiparticles, then there will be a breakthrough in statistics storage and transmission technology. Skyrmion constructions develop in the direction of additive approaches layer-by-layer build-up and synthesis of objects. In the method of "multiplication," their crystal sample becomes greater complex and expands outward.
This discovery can be viewed as an extraordinary parallel between particle physics and phone biology.
Are you still amazed that scientists are attempting to find awareness in the universe?
[1] Two-dimensional skyrmion bags in liquid crystals and ferromagnets, Nature Physics(2019). DOI:10.1038/s41567-019-0476-x
[2] Tae-Hoon Kim et al. Mechanisms of Skyrmion and Skyrmion Crystal Formation from the Conical Phase, Nano Letters (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00080
Great article