See what the research I made on the war in Ukraine has revealed to me.

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Good evening great platform mates, I guess it's being a great whole day with all the hustling and bustling we were met with today and as I can tell you, it was really so tough on me as I had to struggle all through in order to put some meal on my table but in all, I love and give the almighty God the glory for all he had provided for me cos iam not and will not be ungrateful.

Like I said in my previous article where I had to talk about what this platform really meant to me, so also would I appreciate all of you for being quite helpful to me in all your kind words of encouragement and advice that has kept me going ever since.

Today, I shall be writing a new thing that seems entirely different from the things I've written before now and that's taking a look at the war in Ukraine and a possible end to it if the spearheads and chief anchors would agree to see it end as soon as it started.

From my own personal research on the dimension and all the causative of this very supposed to be avoided war in Ukraine, I was able to find out that the real problem why there was an assault of another country's sovereign right to live, make governmental, political and economic decisions was as a result of a breakdown in a signed agreement that seem to be ages old even before most of us here were born. This said agreement was the warsaw pact that was signed in a meeting of the world powers and other relative powers which is aimed at putting a stop to what would result in a third world war by ensuring that no member nation of the defunct USSR joins the West and other things associated within the detects of the meeting.

From my own personal research, I was able to deduce that the East was provoked beyond limits by the West and as a result of such provocation, it began acting in what it sees as self defense and a protection of her security rights being an acclaimed world super power

Then also from my own personal research, I was still able to understand that the Ukrainian president was pushed into the war with the East after several promises of a military support was promised to help her fight off all forms of aggression and protect her sovereignty by the West and its strong NATO allies, who's deceiving who here?

Then also from my own personal research, I found out that the promise to Ukraine which largely came from yet another important figure and a constant visible actor in world politics, the USA made sure that the Ukrainian president refused against all odds to feel he's still got something left within the jaws of the great white shark monster fish.

Then also from my own personal research, I found out that the war in Ukraine would have for long being a stopped war even without either of the many warring nations shooting even a single shot but it unfortunately became somewhat unbearable that has resulted in the loss of innocent civilian lives and the destruction of properties worth several millions of dollars.

Then also from my own personal research, I have really found out that the war in Ukraine was allowed to take a full effect and became a full war that would never end anytime soon given the fact that many countries now seem to be gaining from the ruins of the war and the loss of innocent civilian lives that comes with it, how foolish and cruel man has dominated man to his injury.

Then also, from my own personal research, I have really found out that the war in Ukraine has refused to be ended despite the so-called dialogue that is still very much on going due to the fact that some bad actors(the other world powers) are playing the unfortunate game of thrones and whose right it is to be recognized as the world's strongest nation. What a bad impression this has created in our minds till times indefinite!

Then also, from my own personal research, I was able to conclude that the Russian president Mr Vladimir Putin acted majorly on the very fact that his beloved and now defunct USSR was reduced to mere shards of powerless nations and a registration of its former members as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that is chaired by the USA who is the number one enemy of Russia, which has further strengthened them and has given them a numeric advantage in terms of military, economic and geographical might as they now have more territories to call their home without any form of and recognition of the presence of another super power in Russia.

Lastly from my own personal findings, I've been able to deduce that the war in Ukraine is exactly not what we think of it that it is, but rather, it is an indirect battle of supremacy and a bragging right of who the entire world's leadership and detectors of matters rests on their shoulders as it will go down in history as a war that was fought even without wielding any of the so called Western and Eastern sophisticated chemical weapons of mass destruction of lives and properties, what a shame in disguise by these supposed to be seen as civilized super nations acting in ignorance.

I guess this war in Ukraine is gradually taking a different shape and dimensions as the real cause of the war and the untold and yet to be told truth about the unfortunate war is gradually coming to the lime light.

The coming months will tell us more about this war and whatever happens till then, it shall all remain to be seen that it was a play of pride and those of the Ukrainian citizens lives by these powerful nations of which non of their own citizens have even lost anything across this childlike war.

Whether we like it or not, Russia still sells some of her products like gas across major parts of Europe apart from a few countries like Germany, the Poland and most recently the Finnish, etc they've disconnected from their supply lines isn't it? Prove me wrong if you can!

In all, I pray for peace and an immediate end to this war that seemed almost an unending one.

Now is the right time we all raise our hands and join in this race to ending the war soonest rather than later.


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$ 1.61
$ 1.61 from @TheRandomRewarder


The real war is between the US and Russia, Ukraine is just allowing themselves to be caught in between

$ 0.00
2 years ago