I guess we've been trapped in yet another BCH bullish run🤔🤔.

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The last couple of days, weeks and months to be precise have seen a constant rise of the BCH as it continues to make its way smartly to the top while displacing most other big names like the BNB as it hits a steady ground while surpassing the $300 resistance in order to reach an amazing$320 after years of nearly ending up in a dump with price fallen to as far as below an unacceptable low of $88 at that time.

This current situation of the BCH bullish run did place a lot of concern in my heart over what I see as it's sustainability across time given a handful of ups and downs that are well seen over a couple of few weeks where it has resorted to struggling in order to break it's formal resistance of $320 over the last weeks/months.

This current unexpected surge in the crypto market has continued to raise a lot of worries amongst investors whose investment over time has yet again met with some deadlock over a stagnation in prices of not just the BTC, BCH, BNB alone, but every other altcoins, thereby paving the way for an unnecessary creation of fears and anxieties over what their worth would amount to in the next couple of days coming.

This bullish trap I'm talking about has successfully increased one's purchasing power as that urge for a real investment is no longer a driving force with everyone ever set to hit the withdrawal button where sales are expected on a high and massive notes which doesn't in any way create that much needed avenue for making much more across the metaverse.

It's obviously seen everywhere and just like persons that pull out a lot of money from the banking system, the implications this would leave in the economic affairs of the banking systems as well as the economy is that of a huge vacuum that may only require the high time that flies that is further capitulated by a larger and broaden horizon of investment to fill especially as it has to do with the long term investment.

It cannot not be overly emphasized about the potentials of this bull trap and the things it can do or has done in order to take away rather than to replace what is seen as a regained hope of investment for a better gainful approach when one decides it either Holdl or trade upon for a much more better earning returns such an opportunity would present itself as.

I've been involved in this as well over time and in all simple truths and realistic gestures, I've not really fared any better and it must be taken to heart that such miscalculations were done as a result of what we felt was the bullish approach that came glittering before our very eyes and thereby forcing us to taking that ultimate decision making process that are at times done regrettably given how as a result of that, a huge sum of money is being letter out in order to ensure that one takes a very full advantage of the bullish times in order not to be left out in the train of success where money making with ease rather becomes the order of the day.

Now that the fluctuations keeps on going, especially as the price of the BCH now has a very strong negative impact to investment motives as much as the potential withdrawals for the already invested funds after hitting an all time low of $236 per coin after closing in on a disappointed loss of -0.45% going by the coin geck crypto statistical analysis, our fears are very much envisaged by an almost 90% lack of investment which of course is the entire bedrock for which the crypto world survives.

We pray for better times though while we also expect the most difficult times as well owning to the language of business where the positive & negative laws of business are obeyed and are taken into account which of course states that in the rule of business, the investor must accept and bear the risks involved as much as he must also accept and bear the gains or proceeds from the business as well.

My advice is to keep on buying the much stable tokens right now and whose prices has the potentials for a more stable and perfect increase when they especially do the 50x, 80x and the 100x irrespective of whether it's an altcoins or a coin or not.

Yes, also studying the market regularly is another stronger ways of understanding these technics which will ultimately forge the path for a good and a better decision making process based on what should be committed as an investment and what is expected to be saved for other meaningful purposes.

In conclusion, what now becomes the hopes of all those with such huge investments when the BCH coin seems promising having hit an all time high when it broke that resistance of $300 per coin? Wouldn't one be right to say they've being caught up in the web of a purposeful and real huge investment that is governed or championed from the fact that the increment has led to an indeed a big time bull trap?🐂🐂.

Let's be hopeful that the current price surges yet again so that the bullish trap I've talked about would cease to be given that the investors whose kept their funds in there would surely have every reason to smile to the bank whereas, the potential investors or the ones we see as the future investors can have the fullest of assurances in investing given a testimonial evidences from a constant token and crypto rise in the crypto market.

Image source: unsplash photos and a screenshot of my phone.

$ 0.06
$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
