If you must amount, you must learn to let go of things that doesn't matter, things that doesn't help you to standout among others.
Life is a matter of personal rase, the effort and time you put to it, the better you will become, no one can be you, we are all born and made different.
The more you discover self, the more clarity you will find, everyone have dreams but not everyone is will to work it out.
You are not created to be less, have dreams and work on those dreams, the better you, is in what you can do best.
You don't have to lie low thinking that great things will happen on it own, nothing good comes easy, the better you is in you, you don't have to look else where.
You don't have have to listen to negativity, you just have do what you can do for you to gain clarity, stepping up should be your first step.
You are great inside, with consistency, you can grow better and do better, find something that gives you happiness, life is short and procrastination is never the way forward but backward.
You are special