Beautiful Liability

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Avatar for Bensaga
3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Experience

So you're tall and pretty or you're petite and sexy. When you walk past guys I hear they all go icy.

So now one got you and they all say he's lucky. Along the way his love now goes awry. You can't read his mind but I'll tell you out loud
Beautiful liability! That's what he calls you!!

So you stuff your hair with pins and braids and you leave your brain as virgin as Mary;
You paint your face with rainbow colours but you can't face a business or get a skill.
You wait to be picked by an asset called "man"
Beautiful liability, a husband is no financial plan.

So the hips and the face can catch his attention and the legs and the height may buy his affection; 
but its your values and your assets that will make it last, for gone are the days Emeka the Prince met Adanna on the way to the stream, one cursory look at her did it, and he crowned her Queen of Ozumba Land. Times are changing dear sister, no man wants wants a beautiful liability, every man hunts for a beautiful asset.
Money is a defence, the lack of it an offence. Your background does not mean your back should be on the ground, your back ground should get you up on your feet, back on your feet to achieve some feats.
Beautiful liability. Refuse that name!

So take a detour from what's the norm because today there's a new normal. The times are changing, our world evolving, the status quo is now challenged, the bars have long been raised up high, break the glass ceiling over your head, go to school or learn a skill.
Move from being important to being relevant 
Move from being brilliant to being intelligent
Move from being the bride to being the prized
Be his better half not his bitter half. Bring your pluses, bare your skills, glean from others, thirst for more.
Beautiful liability. Don't let him call you that!

5 wise virgins and 5 foolish ones, all had lamps but some no oil; then the hour rolled by that day and the groom had come to pick his own. The wise had their assets and the foolish their liabilities.
See in every marriage a time soon comes when a man will look but can not see that fine face and those hot legs the image that towers before him is the asset you are and the value you add! 
When it's time to choose a wife, every man becomes intelligent. Beautiful asset or liability, the choice is yours my dear sister!

Pacesetter, trail blazer, torchbearer
Maker of footprints on the sands of time
Walk into your future with no holds barred
Respect is earned and not conferred
Don't be a beautiful liability
Don't lie down with your abilities
God bless all women everywhere who disable their disabilities and stand out with their abilities!

God Help Us All

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Avatar for Bensaga
3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Experience
