Champagne: A Short Story

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Avatar for BenevolentLad
3 years ago

 It was a beautiful late afternoon and the sun gave the lustre of midday to the things beneath it. The city of New York was filled with joy and laughter for the spirit of Christmas is filling the air. Not far away from the busy streets of the city,  a man in his late 30’s was seated on a couch in his humble home contemplating on how he’ll start his lovely day.

  “Ahh, these are the type of days that I should savour, but how? What should I do?” He asked himself softly, revelling in the way the quiet house almost felt like it was holding its breath, a hushed whisper of excitement for the day ahead.   

He was lost in his own thoughts. A few moments later, an idea came across his mind.  He then sprang from his couch, away from his humble abode and flew like a flash, off he went to the nearest store with a thought in mind to buy himself supplies as well as his all-time favourite drink, champagne. 

As soon as he arrived, the hustle of shoppers filled his ears as he made his way through the store.  There he immediately bought groceries and of course, an expensive champagne with its luxury taste, freshness and elegance that can be already seen and tasted just by glancing through its bottle.  

“That would be $57.00 sir.” Delancey, the cashier, said with a smile painted on her face.

“Alright here you go.” said the old man while giving her the money that he took from the side pockets of his tattered jeans. 

After a while, when all was said and done, the old man went out of the store with some few bags that hung off his arms and were swinging around his hips while he made his way towards his house. 

Upon reaching home, he began to adorn his ceiling with ornaments that glistened like a canopy of small crushed diamonds. Indeed, the crystal ornaments were hung beneath the interior with meticulousness. The best part, however, was the glowing lights wrapped around the evergreen wreaths which illuminated everything around it. Minutes passed as he took in the beauty and made sure that all was done to his liking, he proceeded to change his clothes and dressed himself with the best dashing tux he could find which, as a matter of fact, was already displayed on the door of his closet not long ago.  He looked at himself in the mirror whilst adjusting his tie to make sure that he’s well-groomed more than ever.  

At last,  he went to open his beloved champagne that was laid out perfectly on his mahogany table along with a wine glass, candlelight and an old stereo.  

“Finally! I'm going to have some rounds of wine!” He delightedly thought so to himself. 

Unfortunately, things went downward spiral afterwards. 

Just as he was in the middle of popping the bottle, he was caught off guard when the cork suddenly burst upward rushing with a great speed towards the ceiling leaving him agape. “Well, there’s no way I can get that.” He grumbled to himself not knowing what to do about it. Eventually, he just brushed it off and continued with his business by pouring himself some champagne that is probably more almond-like than any champagne had a right to be, but it was the way he loved it all the same. It made him think of warm summer days and sunflower fields.  He gently sat down on his mahogany chair and intended to enjoy his drink when unexpectedly, the cork fell down right in his glass, taking him aback.  

Poor old man,  long gone is his supposed to be plans for some relaxing sips of champagne for the day.

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Avatar for BenevolentLad
3 years ago


Hahaha, it's very unfortunate for the man.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I must say, this is both funny and sad lol

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3 years ago