Blog; I am back with Winter's Checklist
Welcome back to me on this great site. Once again I am here after a long break. Alhamdulillah, I am doing pretty well now. Although feeling itching in my right ear, I had an ear infection 3 years ago I hope it is not an indication of infection once again. my father said, to start taking antibiotics before it gets worsens so I am going to take augmentin in the coming 6 days, I hope it will heal my ear quickly.
I am back on the routine. My favorite season of the year is approaching us. Cold winds in the evening, short days, and long nights are indicating that winters are ready to come. I love winters, I love the foggy morning and snow days, the fragrance of peanuts and soups. winter has its own charm but it is also a fact that we fall ill mostly in winter.
So today I am going to share a checklist that is mandatory to be fulfilled before the arrival of cold days..
1. Warmies check
It's time to open the trunks and get your warmies out. If you feel like your wardrobe requires new stuff, it is the best time to grab jackets, sweaters, chinos, and shoes. Because almost everything is on sale nowadays. So don't miss this chance. Don't overburden your closet with only one thing. As I saw most of my friends are just buying jackets. So buy with a mindset of saving. We mostly wear long jackets so it's better to avoid buying too many clothes because the jacket is already hiding your clothes.
2. Heating system check
Check whether your previous heaters are in working condition or not. If you are using gas heaters buy electrical ones too. You know our country's economic condition is not good. In case you face a gas outage, you should have an alternative. Check your doors and windows if they need any kind of repair, go for it.
3. Diet check
Add fish as a portion of your food as it helps you to stay warm. Include fish, ginger, honey, black pepper, peanuts, red meat, dry fruit, and all the items of soups to your grocery list.
4. Fitness check
Buy a vaporizer, in case you feel a blocked nose or chest. Buy OTC and other medications that can help you in fighting fever, flu, and chest infections. but olive oil and massage it on your belly button to keep yourself cough free.
That's all for today. I hope you will welcome me again here. I pray we all remain safe in winter and remain healthy.
See you by the next blog, bye-bye
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© Bella.bch
I like long nights and the foggy morning of winter. I don't like summer, as it making me wet and am a bit allergic to sunstroke.