Hey, there peeps!
Let's know more about Bee.Cash {SLP} Project!
FullName: Bee.Cash
Ticker: BeeCash
Desimals: 4
What is the profit of holding BeeCash.
Holding BeeCash is rewarding to user, a user can get dividends every 2 day by holding 3 BeeCash. Ensuring them a best and safest place to invest off there money!
What is the business plan of BeeCash?
The business plan of BeeCash is to give profit to users who trusted and invested on BeeCash and BeeCash Platfrom! BeeCash a safest place to invest there money!
Prices of BeeCash!
As we know prices manipulates, so we don't need to worry about money invested in BeeCash or BeeCash Platfrom, the price manipulate by support given to BeeCash!
Where can I get to earn BeeCash?
You can get to BeeCash together with friends, in telegram right now:
TG LINK: @WorldsofBee
Where can I ask any more questions that are not displayed/answered here?
In WorldsOfBee we hold a day for AMA (Ask Me Anything) where you can ask anything to owner of BeeCash & BeeCash project regards Future & Etc!