Elon Musk experiments on animals NEURALINK.

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3 years ago

We all thought that the day would come when implants are not only not alive, but also connected to the network.

Neuralink is the project in which this idea is being tested.

Elon Musk introduces neural implants in pigs to improve their efficiency and know their health status.

This news has gone unnoticed by some people but the creator of Tesla has been testing devices to monitor all neural impulses in animals.

He explains that the operation takes no more than 5 minutes and is painless with little exsanguination.

Will it ever reach humans?

He clearly mentions that this is the objective, to help certain people with disabilities or mental problems to be able to regulate and know their state.

Why are there experiments being done right now that invade your human brain?

We are in a time when people with a lot of power have almost completely taken away personal opinion, they practically control all natural resources.

The few people who wish to be free must sacrifice comfort in the face of nature.

I invite you to participate if it is right to have a chip implanted in your brain.

You attempt against the fundamental principles of the human being which is his own nature.

I value every comment and appreciate that you have made it this far.

$ 0.14
$ 0.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @sanctuary.the-one-law
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3 years ago


This is an important difficult topic.

The first observation is:
Anyone who submits to getting chipped for such an effort
needs to know beyond any doubt whether

  • the technology allows others to control their body
  • -or-
  • The technology merely allows them to control their own body.
    (This was one of the early directions, apparently abandoned)

The next is that the technology has the issue of being a method
for inserting false information to the brain.
Giving outsiders the ability to do this would be the purest evil ever seen.
Reprogramming people to violate others like any FPS game
would be an easy task.

The biggest issue is that Musk is an 'innocent soul'
developing a Frankenstein technology which,
when it matures,
will no doubt be taken over by someone with no morals whatsoever.

Personally, I think Musk has mistakenly ventured into a bad science neighborhood that will be filled with people who have other futures in mind for this technology.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mainly are the banks behind Elon Musk is a case of watching his great visits with spectators as he destroys a car or his actions degenerating a market, thanks for your comment helps me to clean the information and have a clearer position.

$ 0.01
3 years ago