Legacy Address vs CashAddr address

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2 years ago

What is the difference between "legacy address" and "CashAddr address"?

Legacy address is the BCH address that corresponds to its Bitcoin address. It is usually starts with numbers "1" or "3".

CashAddr address is the BCH address usually used in blockchain. It is usually starts with a prefix "bitcoincash:"

In this site, the CashAddr address is the required format. Example of wallets that has this format are coinsph, bitcoin.com, faucetpay, Trust Wallet.

What if you're using Binance or Abra wallet that has legacy address? Then use a converter that converts from legacy address to CashAddr or vice versa. One example of this converter is "cashaddr.org".

Just put your legacy address in the box that corresponds to legacy address and it's CashAddr format will show.

$ 0.00
