Love… while I was growing up, I asked anyone “what is love?”. Oh yes! I did. It was relentless questioning about love. Then my eldest sibling told me that “love” is a kiss, that left me at awe. While on standard song love is describe “as many splendored things”, oh my! The more I asked and found answers, the more difficult to understand. Huh? Then I grew up!
Heard stories from time to time. Then housewives gather around, they’re the best source of “love stories”. From their wooing, to engagement then marriage. It wasn’t long I realized that each and everyone lived differently. Some successful, some very sad, some fatal and some didn’t last, never attempted. While many of the younglings, wow! giggles from the shared talks about crushes and boyfriends. Many were too ignorant about it and explored it with great confidence only to find out being hurt in the end. There were many things to consider especially when “love is young and immature”,- responsibility became an inconvenience. Often separates the young couple and is one turmoil pursuits during that age. The rebellion, most often misunderstood, I truly wondered why? When most adults pass through this stage and not many are successful as there were many were damaged beyond repair.
I innocently thought that “love”… is simple as the word itself but its so much more complicated. It wasn’t really like what Disney has portrayed it in their movies, the fairytale moves we enjoyed so much during our youth. How wrong was I then? Well, who would have thought that simple blushes would mean differently and if ever pursuit, it had different results. Never really thought it would become all to dramatic in the end. Pff! Reality vs dream/fantasy, are truly and entirely different.
Ahhh, a last!
Oh no! now that I have grown and looking at the past, it is just really our choice! Our choice to choose the path we go on with this journey! Nobody really knows where its heading but we make our own path. Whether it is solely based on intuition or advises we pick up from people we meet on our way or simply the basic understanding of how we want our lives to be. In the end, we are going to face the consequences, -the result.
Then I was hit with the song sang by WHITNEY HOUSTON “Didn’t we almost had it all”, let me quote the text:
Didn't we have the best of times
When love was young and new?
Couldn't we reach inside and find
The world of me and you?
We'll never lose it again
'Cause once you know what love is
You never let it end
Oh! Love so real comes rare. And not everyone gets to experience it in their lifetime. Many so tried to find it but failed, wasted a lifetime just to! Hmm, I can only imagine how life is with. And lo!, it truly wonderful to find someone who you could love without pretense. A love that can last a lifetime. Grow old with the person. Yes of course, it does come with a price. Together, weathered storms, quakes and aches… It is never easy plight, an uphill battle. It is just not a feeling but a decision to make. Because if it is real, who in their right mind “let love end?”. Oh no, you won’t let go. For many, it is a quest. For some, make do of what is at hand. For those who lost, either continues to mourn others gave up while a few remains –loyal. Hmm, a lot of contradiction, and a beautiful one.