Women rights in Islam

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2 years ago

1:Half of humanity is women

2:women are never considered fully human beings

3:in human culture practice against women

Aristotle said

"women are inferior to the men their purposes to serve men"

Indian civilisation:

sati system


One women many men

Visiting husbands

Arabian civilisation:

Foster mother they take them

they have to pay prices of emancipation

Women are the lower state of society

Women's are considered as an animal in the form of human being

17 century conference in France:

In 1950woman had no right to vote to study

Women rights in the west start after French Revolution:

"We both are equal to each other but do not get equal rights"

Declaration of sentiments of woman:

They demanded their political rights

rights to vote standard

1893 New Zealand

1902 Australia

1917 USK

1918 UK Germany

1919 Sweden

Civil rights movement:

in America stars two books (1946-1949)

The second sex:

serinon de Beauvour women are marginalised In all spheres of life. Although Woman do not leave their reproductive role and are equal.

Second wave:

redical feminist

absolute women ,women are oppressed and are marginalised in all walks of life

80% girls raped by own fay members
93% girls sexually harassed

1990:3rd wave of feminism

Islamic civilisation:

The holy Quran, in addressing the believers, often uses the expression “believing men and women” to accentuate the equality of both male and female in regard to their particular duties, rights, virtues and merits. Islam is such a religion which has first given to the women a place of dignity and honour because before the advent of Islam, there were huge discriminations towards women. 

In Islam spiritual equality have guaranteed for both men and women.

The pre-Islamic customs relating to succession were biased, vindictive, and unreasonable and in most of the cases violated justice  Women were treated as property and they were not entitled to inheritance whether as mother or wife or daughter or sister. There was no specific system for cognates and agnates and always males could get preferences.
There were established traditions that the nearest male agnates succeeded to the entire estate of the deceased and females and cognates were excluded . Islam ensured the rights of inheritance of women many centuries ago than western countries In Islam six classes of persons never deprive from inheritance Among these six classes of persons, three classes of persons are male (father, husband and son) and rest three are female mother, wife and daughter
In Islamic law of inheritance, among twelve sharers numbers of women are eight wife, mother, daughter, son’s daughter, true grandmother, full sister, consanguine sister and the numbers of men are four (father, husband, true grandfather and uterine brother)So Islam does not neglect women giving more importance to men.

In Islam like men women have various responsibilities towards the family and society as she is considered one of the two important pillars of the society. Islam does not like laziness, vanity and workless people.
In Islam there is no difference between men and women in regard to work and working is a duty for both. In Islam women have freedom to choose their occupation but in choosing their profession they must keep in mind that they have some limitations due to their physical structure.

As they are exquisite, sensitive beautiful beings they have to be more conscious before involving any profession. Though in Islam women have liberty to select their profession but it impose some restrictions at the same time because a married woman cannot choose any profession by which her husband will be deprived to enjoy his conjugal rights or children will be deprived from maternal love, care and affection and proper education and training.

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2 years ago


You have a good list of how women were treated in the early years until we became equal with men. Even in Christianity we are taught that, husband wife equal, submit, honor, respect and love each other, do not deprive as much as possible. Laziness, vanity are also a pre- command of our early fathers, even John or Paul tell us we have to work even while at home, mothers try to be creative by making clothes for her family, look after the kids, cleaning etc, depending on the couple's agreement.

This is a no no now. 2:women are never considered fully human beings

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2 years ago

Women rights, yes i have listed that islam has given a lot of rights to women.

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User's avatar Asg
2 years ago