I am going to discuss the main problem of Pakistani nation in which almostly 90% people of our country are struggling in because they give control of their life to someone else.
Giving control to tradition
There is famous tradition in study point of view after completion of matric in science group almost 95% brilliant student choose premedical and preengineering .My question is all brilliant student are talented in premedical and preengineering.No it is impossible Allah has created each and every man differently and blessing them different skill and talent from one another for runing a good system of world. Allah has sent the human by giving his duty which we have to detect which is known as self actuallization why we are born.Instead of finding why we are born? But we are following the tradition and we have fear to perform new task which none have performed on the earth ever before in history. By following tradition we are giving control to tradition.But we actually know that the work we are doing does not give us pleasure but still we are carrying on the work because of tradition. I request you to don't follow the tradition and do those work which give you pleasure and happiness.
Decision taken by parents or supervisor of your life
Another problem of our life is giving full control of decision to someone else like father, uncle and grandad etc. I totally agree that they have right to give you opinion but does not have right to take your decision by yourself. Why they does not have right for taking your decision ? The reason is that they does not know what you really want and they does not know what you can do a work in an extraordinary way which noone else can do that. It is only you which know your own skill. Right decision taken by you will give happiness and pleasure .you will lead a comfortable life.
Control of friends and people on you
People and friend are also controlling you when you take any decision for performing any incredible task which is seeming impossible but we can say that it is next to impossible but you have curiosity and energy that I can do it . When you share about it with people and friend and 90% people will give you suggestion it is impossible.But actually you know " impossible says I am possible". Don't act upon the suggestion of negative people which are himself limited and wanted to make you limited . take your own decision with self confidence and belief definitely you will be successful.
My suggestion is to take your own charge of life . hear the suggestion of each and everyone do that which really you want don't give any right for taking decision your about marriage and educational career and these are more important issues beside this best of luck may Allah give you success.
I want control my life