My Introduction to Bitcoin..

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Avatar for Balleteer
1 year ago

To say that my introduction to Bitcoin, and thus Crypto, was tumultuous would be an understatement. I'm a Musical Theatre Practitioner by trade, and so when my job was just taking off after college, Covid came around and ruined everything.

With only my savings to keep me afloat, and my new girlfriend at the time losing her mother during Covid as well, it was a tough time seeing how we would survive through year with both of us being laid off..

Then, a ray of light! Someone approached us on Instagram, and just like that, we were wooed into a ponzi scheme before we even knew what happened! True, it was short-sighted of us, and after losing +- $250 in the process, we quickly realises that that precious and much-needed money had been robbed from us. Thus we had been burned, and no amount of salve could ease the shame of falling prey to such an obvious trap in our desperation. Shame on the despicable human beings who steal from those who have so little to begin with; may they find forgiveness.

In any event, such was the introduction of ours to Crypto, however, as I began to read deeper, through the process I came to understand the power and ability of Crypto to change the fortunes of the everyday man; now I too could perhaps become part of a revolution in the financial world that would let me and my then fiancée become financially independant, what a dream it was told to be!

Yes, I had been burned, and badly at that! However, the little I had heard about Crypto had piqued my interest; I wanted in! And so began my short-lived introduction to Crypto, and the beginnings of the journey into 'properly' understanding what it was all about!

But, as I would soon find out, Ponzi Schemes weren't the only pitfalls in the vast world of Crypto, and soon, we would learn just how deep those pits went...

$ 0.00
