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Avatar for Bagdad
Written by
3 years ago

For me, from the beginning to the end, the kingdom is completely unknown,

Unfamiliar path, unfamiliar alley;

Yet I have a strong desire to be the ruler of the kingdom!

Let's think about the state at the wrong time.

He says, the girl is stupid!

Do not know, do not know, believe in what?

Unknown Kingdom, Unknown Life,

What makes you think again?

I think, really, people are no longer raw soil,

I will change it to my own needs!

Or a shop bought from the market,

I will keep it arranged in the courtyard of the mind.

Overnight he would change and say, love;

I never want that to happen,

Something is not received, let it be earned a little;

Yet all the blue lotus in his mind burst thinking of me!

$ 0.00


Great one

$ 0.00
User's avatar Win
3 years ago

Excellent article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lovely poem. Great penmanship

$ 0.00
3 years ago