Know your God or Creator

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3 years ago
Topics: Religion

On a sunny afternoon, three friends arrived on the banks of the Sen River just in time. Rajiv called his friends on a special luxury boat. The three friends stood and looked around at the magnificent view of the river, surrounded by greenery. Rashed looked at the sky and said to his two friends

The rivers, the seas, the plants, the animals, the people and everything we see in this world, but everything we don't see ... everything is clear evidence of the miraculous wisdom that makes human life vibrate. These prove that there is a Creator or Lord of this world, do you agree with me?

Rajiv: We agreed in the previous discussion that it is important to have a creator of this universe. But for our full satisfaction, we need to discuss some of the issues associated with it.

Michael: I think we need to discuss first what our engineer friend Rajiv Satya has raised about the qualities of the Creator.

Rashed: The world we live in and the creativity we see in the universe have a deep connection with what you are looking for, since the root of faith is the belief in the truth of Allah; That is, you have the right idea about this world, that you yourself belong to that world. And that will be, by knowing the purpose of the creation of all its elements, structures and everything contained in it.

Michael: We accept that there is a creator in the world, but the nature of this creator is different in different religions, even so different and contradictory that people get lost and run away from it, and live an almost atheistic life, although some directly admit it. Don't pay.

Rashed: You are right my friend, but I will connect a little that this separation does not stop him from feeling the need for a god, but in fact those who deny the god he considers himself a god, he accepts his whims as a god. Disobedient atheists run away from the recognition and faith of Allah and run towards other things which they consider to be possessed of those qualities which can only be for Allah. And they do it only to escape from their misconceptions about God.

Rajib: When we talk about the attributes of God, we can say that God is great, beloved and at the same time mighty. People will feel dependent on him. It's from the human side. But all these qualities are actually found in the light of human condition. As a result, more than one person may notice such qualities in more than one deity. So we have to present some of the attributes of God that all people agree on.

Rashed: Your words are very beautiful and correct .... that is what we started discussing and continued. We all agree that there must be a God, and we further agree that there is a powerful Creator in this orderly world who brought it into existence from non-existence. We call this Creator the Lord. This Rabbi has created us and all the creatures, he is the one who is really worthy of being Uluhiyyat or Ilah and deserving of worship. No one should be worshiped except Him. That is, as you have said, one should not give up his dignity, love, fear, hope, etc., and turn to someone else or expect anything. In this way we can fully understand the true God or the attributes of God.

Rajib: When I agree with you, I can say that the first attribute of Allah is the ever-present, He is the Ever-Living, thus He is the Creator of all creation.

Rashed: You are right, it makes one more thing urgent, and that is that the caste (entity) and sifat (attributes) of this deity are not created, because the creator can never be a creature. Because, if he is a creator, then he will be like us, he will also have a creator, so he cannot be a god, and he cannot be worshiped. So no one in all creation can be a god.

Michael: Then we should know what is the meaning of the Creator?

Rashed: In short, the creator is the inventor and creator of something without any previous pattern or similarity, that is, the one who created everything from non-existence. He alone is capable of bringing existence out of non-existence. He is the One who created the universe in a beautiful way, it contains a lot of wisdom, He did not create it in vain, or it was not created by chance.

And the essential qualities of the creature are: it did not exist before its creation, that is, it is a new creation, it has a beginning, it must have an end, its power and ability is also limited, always dependent on others.

Rajib: When such a deity is the creator, then he must be the owner of his creation.

When we say that the heavens and the earth belong to Allah, He created them, then it becomes essential that He knows everything, because if something is hidden from Him, then in secret He will be free from the Creator. The proof of Allah's knowledge is that He created the creatures we see with wisdom, precision and perfection, and this is not possible without full knowledge.

Rashed: As a result of ownership, it turns out that he has authority and authority over everything in the heavens and the earth. Because of his ownership and knowledge, it proves that he has the power to control everything, that he alone has the right to make laws for the universe.

Michael: But I also own some things, I also know a lot, do these prove to be God? ... I think that's not right!

Rashed: Your words are very important, my friend, I think mentioning these qualities one after the other - even though they are important - will make our way much longer, we will fix a general principle that will be the measure of these qualities and I can do it. Give me a chance, I will tell you some of the features of this principle, these are actually based on my Islamic knowledge, I say according to the idea.

Michael and Rajiv: Tell me ....

Rashed: In short, this principle is:

First of all, in general, the national sifat or the basic subjective qualities can be divided into two parts ঃ imperfect qualities, complete qualities. The full qualities are: to be freed from the bad qualities by virtue of the good qualities. And the imperfect qualities are: to eliminate the good qualities as opposed to the good qualities.

Therefore, in order to be free from bad qualities, one must be endowed with the opposite qualities, that is, possessing perfect qualities. Otherwise, not having a bad quality will mean an imperfection. Because having no qualities with caste or entity is again imperfection and disability.

Secondly, all the qualities that the creature dislikes to associate with itself cannot be attributed to the Creator. The things that the creatures stay away from are bad qualities, so Allah Ta'ala is very pure and free from them. All these bad qualities cannot be associated with Allah in any way, because Allah is pure and full of all aspects.

Thirdly, the difference between the creator and the creation is that there is no similarity between the creator ... and the qualities that we have described apply to both the creator and the creation, such as ownership, knowledge, mercy, love, etc., cannot be the same in both cases. For the attributes of the Creator are not like the attributes of the creatures, since the attributes of the creatures are not devoid of imperfections and motives and various attributes.

Michael: It would be better if you could explain by example.

Rajiv: Explain the points you have discussed with the examples and if those examples are from past discussions or in the light of reality then it is better.

Rashed: Well, the first point: all wise men agree that weakness is a quality of imperfection, thus the quality of being dependent on others and imperfection. Neither of these two qualities can be the attribute of God, but He is free from it, and at the same time He is endowed with the opposite perfection. And that is strong and self-sufficient. That is why our great book Al-Quran is by three words

Rejecting the deity of Isa (AS) and his mother Maryam (AS), they are: Allah Ta'ala says: "They ate food" (Surat al-Ma'ida: 65). Therefore, those who need food have hunger and feelings, and this includes their weakness and Misery is manifested. And he who eats food is dependent on food like other people, so neither of them can be ilah or Allah, because the qualities of ilah have not been realized between them.

Thus, adopting a child cannot be like the creation of a true God. Because man begets offspring, seeks help, inherits, or other causes, and none of these are qualities of dependence and imperfection, which cannot be associated with God.

And the second point is: all the wise will refuse to exalt themselves with the virtue of disability. Therefore, Allah is more suitable not to be associated with these qualities. Rather, he is endowed with the opposite perfection, and that is ability. This is because when Jesus is unable to defend himself from the onslaught of the enemy, or when idols or animals that some people mean as God cannot protect themselves, they are unable to defend others, their worshipers and lovers. This is clearly understood. So no disabled person can be a suitable deity for true worship.

The wise all dislike the virtue of oppression and tyranny, so the true God does not oppress, He is just. Thus, if all imperfections are eliminated, all the qualities of its opposite perfection are established.

Finally, the third point: I will say for example. The quality of knowledge, it is a good quality, the opposite is bad, it is stupidity. To be wise is the virtue of perfection and ignorance is imperfection and guilt. God is the possessor of perfect knowledge, for He is the possessor of omnipresent universal knowledge, and free from all kinds of ignorance and foolishness.

And in the case of man, the fullness of knowledge is relative, because he is endowed with knowledge of some things, but at the same time he is endowed with the guilt of ignorance of other things. Therefore perfection is a relative matter of man, thus the rest of the qualities.

Michael: Feeling cold as darkness falls, I think that's enough tonight.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Religion
