A day of a "house-girl"

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Avatar for BabyVamp
2 years ago
Date: 6 March 2022 
Topic: A day of a "house-girl"
Writer: BabyVamp

Hello, Beautiful community!

I hope you all are having good days and enjoying a healthy and blessed life. Because of being a stay at home girl and having no change in life now a days, I am short of ideas 😅😅(I started writing 5 days ago and am already short of ideas haha LOL). Usually, I don't have enough time to stay at home, clean the house, do the laundry, cook for my family, watch my siblings fight and there is much much more, if you are a mother or a sister then you must know it😅.

So I got the idea of writing about what a houseGirl usually do(or what I am doing haha), am talking about a houseGirl, not a houseWife😅 a HouseWife has a husband to take care of and if she is a mother then obviously kids as well but a HouseGirl is an unmarried girl who has a few lovely siblings (unlike my irritating ones hahaha) and a mother and a father to take care of (sadly no hubby🤣).

It's been a month since I am playing this role of the caring elder sister and I am kinda loving it (getting ready for being a caring wife hehe). Here is my routine :

  • Waking up

My day usually starts at 6am(sometimes earlier). After folding the blanket and tidying up the bedsheet I run for washing up :) I just have a few minutes for this precious face and teeth of mine. It's done now anyway so let's go and drink some warm water to wash the stomach as well xD.

  • Prepare breakfast

    Oh no! I wasted 5 extra minutes in the bathroom and now I have 5 less minutes for preparing breakfast😨 what to do now other than HURRY UP! prepare the ingredients, mix it well, add some spice and offer it to the royal members of the family (the ones who are getting ready for school😆) and eat some slices to satisfy my rumbling stomach

  • Clean up the mess in the kitchen

Oh great! They all are gone, now Eating is over and it's time to clean up the mess in the kitchen (doing the dishes😣I don't like it :()

  • Clean the house

    You know everyone is in a hurry to get ready for school and always throwing the stuff here and there and it takes a lot of time to tidy up everything and clean up the whole house and till it ends, it's already 11am .

  • A little rest

    This is the time when I can take some rest or spend time on noise or have chat with some close friends but this rest time is always disturbed by unexpected guest😄.

  • Prepare Lunch

    Oh God! it's already 12 pm and everyone will be back from school so the lunch should be ready soon😮What now? again hurry up and cook huhu.

  • Family time

    After lunch usually it's time to listen the stories of what they did in their school😅 and you know these stories are quite long and kids won't stop till they are done with their story🙄.

  • Study Time

    After lunch I have some free time and it totally depends on me if I want to make it productive by studying or again listen music or watch some drama.

  • Pretending to be dead

    Don't be amazed :) I have to do it sometimes or else I'll have to cook dinner as well haha that's the only way out, pretend to be dead and let someone else cook

  • Dinner Time

    Eat, Eat and Eat. This is us all the time. Once again eat, dinner is mostly my favorite meal as I didn't cook it and feeling fresh and energized to eat😁

  • My- Time (9pm to onward)

    Dinner is usually over till 8:30 pm doing little chores takes some time and after that I am totally free and dead tired haha.

    But this is my time and I don't waste it, spend some time on noise and nowadays also writing articles and then study something and chat with my loved one🤣

  • Sleep Time

    From the moment my eyes can't stay open anymore till the moment nobody wakes me up it's my sleep time and nobody can disturb it other than the nightmares LoL

This is the daily routine during vacations and sometimes changed due to some reasons😄

Hope so I didn't waste much of your time😅

$ 0.19
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
Avatar for BabyVamp
2 years ago


Dear vampy girl, look who's here? The Devil. Well, I can relate all these as I do my household works. Good to see you here. Welcome to the family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for greeting🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago