My feet are cold. It's a warm summer evening, I'm not cold, I'm lying in bed. Suddenly cold air hits my feet. It’s like an autumn or winter day poking my foot out the window. My feet have been cold for minutes, I'm scared. I don’t dare get out of bed, I started writing instead. Maybe I’m just imagining, maybe I’ll calm down if writing distracts me. I am really afraid. I'm alone. I’m not really alone, Bence is sleeping in the other room. But my partner is not home, he is not home again. Last midnight, I’ve heard some weird noises in the last few hours, but I haven’t really dealt with it. Then I heard a metallic sound as if a fork or something had fallen to the ground. Yet forks don’t just bounce out of the drawer. The source of the noise could have been a key, but of course my key wouldn’t jump deep into the volunteer from the kitchen table either. Oh no! My key is on the table, not in the door lock. This would greatly extend the escape time if it were to happen. I locked the door when we got home and took the key out of the lock so my partner could come in when he got home at night, again at night. Who knows where he is? Who cares where he is? The answer to either question is that I am. It's a sad fact, but it is. So after hearing something fall down I found it a little weird and I admit I didn’t dare leave the room to see what happened.
I just thought something had fallen again, again. I went into his room with Bence last night, we went to bed with him together. I usually stay with him while he falls asleep. So we lay in bed, there was silence and it was dark. Suddenly something fell from somewhere in his room. He was very scared of the noise and I told him there was nothing wrong, nothing had happened, sleep peacefully. But I didn’t think about it seriously, because it was actually really confusing because I couldn’t even imagine what and where it could have fallen for no reason. Today, I couldn’t find anything on the floor in his room that could have fallen from somewhere at night. But then what did we hear? I didn't really think about it anymore, okay, there's nothing wrong. Then something fell again tonight. Or nothing fell today. I don't really know. And it was a little weird, but I really started to get scared when my legs started to get cold. My feet are still cold. And now let us return to the idea of escape.
Why does it bother me that my key is away from the locked door? Does not make sense. When we got home I closed the door so no one has been able to come into the apartment since. Ever since we were home, I’ve been in all the rooms in the apartment, which also had no one. And anyway, why would anyone want to come in and hide here? Doesn't make sense right? So we can rule out that I should be afraid of a human being. If I have to fear a non-human being, then it doesn't matter where my key is, does it? Of course, we can also say that I watch too many horror movies or that my imagination is too vivid. Maybe it's just my imagination playing with me. But last night, something fell in Bence's room, its typical sound as it puffed on the sponge mat. So the noise couldn’t come from anywhere else, plus Bence was scared too, so it wasn’t just me who heard it.
Ahh .. it doesn't matter, maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe it's just a fact that I know that someone died in this apartment a long time ago. Of course, someone could have died in every old apartment, there is nothing special about this. But to know specifically is still different.
Oh Gosh, why not move to other place? Or maybe, Just pray so thay those things will be wash away? I don't really knkw what to say coz I never gone into that kind of situation 😵