The funny stories of tiny hot air ballon test fly

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3 years ago
Topics: Stories

Bwhahahahaha, I wish you guys could have seen us yesterday!! So Holden is supposed to make an invention for his class this week, so he decides to make a hot air balloon, and I’m like that’s perfect because last year I bought these random Chinese lanterns on a whim and they’ve been sitting in our basement ever since. Anyways, Holden turns a nut container into a basket and I help him drill holes in it and when the whole thing is made, we take it to a park next to a pond.

Holy crap is it windy and my hubby is trying to light the damn thing for like 4000 minutes (while Zoey keeps begging to try and I keep yelling at her to stop asking), but then a miracle happens.

KIDS: It’s burning!

ME: It’s burning!!

Oh crap, it’s burning. The flames are HUGE… in the middle of a balloon that’s made of F’ing tissue paper. Ummmm, hello ridiculously flammable material. And you know what else is flammable? My hubby’s hand.

KIDS: Let it go! Let it go! LET IT GO!!!!!

But I’m thinking DO NOT LET IT GO because that flaming balloon is going to fly away and catch one of those beautiful houses on the other side of the pond on fire.

KIDS: Let it go!

ME: Don’t let it go!

KIDS: Let it go!

ME: Don’t let it go!

And my hubby doesn’t know what to do so he is running around the field in circles to keep the giant flame away from his hand. Until he finally gives up and just drops the whole thing in the water.

HOLDEN: Wahhhhhhhh!!!

ME: It’s okay buddy, sometimes science experiments don’t work. That’s actually how penicillin got invented!

But I’m pretty sure he’s not listening at all because he’s still freaking out. The good news is I think we did learn something from all this. That our family totally funny under pressure and thank God the park was empty and no one else saw this. Although I’m kinda wishing someone secretly shot a video because would that thing go virny stories about our crazy.

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Avatar for BLUEPHIL
3 years ago
Topics: Stories
