How it all started

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4 years ago

Ah yes. Back when things were simpler. When I was still a young up and comer in the tomigachi realm. When toilet paper just made sense. When jelly was still just for children. Yes, it was the summer of 2003, and I had just finished my expose on the great barrier reef. Swimming in the deep blue waters of south central Ohio was an experience that I will remember until my dying day. True, it's no western Montana, but hey, it was college. Anyway, i couldn't remember the last time i had been in the water. maybe it was yesterday, maybe a week ago. either way, it was refreshing to be back again. I took my first jump in. unsatisfied with the splash, i quickly climbed back up the dock and tried it again. this process continued for another 3 hours until i was noticed by several small japanese children on vacation with mother. Strange seeing my mother with the japanese children, she always was fonder of other people's kids. I never did learn where she met them until years later she revealed it to me on her death bed. "I never loved you." she screamed, a common Tuesday occurrence and one she was so enthusiastic about doing. As I went back to camp to prepare for the next day's dive after the success of the first day, I couldn't help but smile, knowing but never revealing the level of utmost importance my work was for the future of the world.

despite what you may think, the story doesn't end there. you'll just have to wait until next time...

xoxo BH

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