Education About Peace

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3 years ago

Peace education is the way to gaining the potentials, the information, and building up the path to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with all God’s creation.

If we have education about something, we become knowledgeable about it and apply it in a substantial manner. Let us say for example, “an engineering student” and engineering student really want to be an engineer as it is his/her dream, that is why as a respond or as preparation for his/her dreams, he/she will most definitely strive to learn everything to become engineer, in short: education. This now applies way very similar to Major Social Challenges, we cannot respond to it effectively in a transformative way if we lack knowledge and education. Therefore, we need Peace Education as the core response to major social challenges and to achieve harmony and peace to all creation.

An all-inclusive understanding of harmony is essential to be taught to everyone on several sorts of harmony and agreement to have the choice to live and relate what they realize to have the choice to have tranquil links with with oneself, with others, with countries and with all God's creatures in general to expand the quantity and quality of life through peace.

Peace-Education is the exact way to react to major social challenges.

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