Earn BCH with read cash and rain in cashrain
If you come from cashrain and want to earn bch sign up in read cash so you can start earning lots of $ for your talent, if you are good at making content, this is your chance, but remember you can go to cashrain and make your bch rain with everyone, and that way we can all be winners.
Si vienes de cashrain y quieres ganar bch regístrate en read cash para que empieces a ganar muchos $ por tu talento, si eres bueno haciendo contenido, esta es tu oportunidad, pero recuerda que puedes ir a cashrain y hacer llover tus bch con todos, y de esa forma todos podemos ser ganadores
Remember to also join the bitcoin cash house chasrain community from this link... you can start gaining followers and activate bch for everyone...
Recuerda ingresar también en la comunidad de chasrain de bitcoin cash house desde este link... puedes empezar a ganar seguidores y activar bch para todos
We have already grown a lot on twitter and cashrain, we still have the opportunity to reach many more.
En twitter ya hemos crecido mucho igual en cashrain, todavia tenemos oportunidad de alcanzar muchos mas
Apparently no one can join read.cash anymore. Sad