About Ethereum Merge / Spanish and English
Ethereum is a digital platform or Sotfware is not a Cryptocurrency that uses the blockchain and expands or uses that distributed database for a wide variety of applications. Ether, which is its native cryptocurrency, is the one that is used as a currency or as an economic system to develop all the structures of smart contracts.
Ethereum es una plataforma digital o Sotfware no es una Criptomoneda que usa la blockchain y expande o usa esa base de datos distribuida para una una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Ether, que si es su criptomoneda nativa, es la que se usa como moneda o como sistema económico para desarrollar todas las estructuras de los contratos inteligentes
About the New Actualization
Ethereum is an incredible infrastructure, but it is not perfect, and it is also extremely expensive, so development work is often compromised by lack of resources or because it is simply not worth developing a system that will be much more expensive than traditional banking or traditional market systems, resulting in the abandonment of many projects that have arisen.
Ethereum es una increible infraestructura pero, no es perfecta, y ademas es sumamente costosa, de manera que los trabajos para el desarrollo muchas veces se ven comprometidos por falta de recursos o porque simplemente no vale la pena desarrollar un sistema que sera mucho mas costoso que la banca tradicional o el sistema de mercado tradicional eso trae como consecuencia el abandono de muchos proyectos que han surgido
Approximate date for the update: 15 September 2022
Segun el Portal de noticias: Ethereum pasaría de su infraestructura tecnológica actual, conocida como “prueba de trabajo”, a una infraestructura de mayor eficiencia energética llamada “prueba de participación”.
Qué es “la fusión” que tiene en vilo al mundo de las criptomonedas - Infobae
La actualización pretende reducir las comisiones de transacción, una petición general de la comunidad entre las empresas y los ciudadanos
Con esta nueva infraestructura, Ethereum pasa a ser uno de los software con menos contaminación, pues la prueba de participación resuelve el famoso gasto emergentico de la prueba de trabajo en la cadena
Ahora los Participantes pelearan con mas y mas dinero para asegurar la red algo que le dara la oportunidad a miles de personas de ganar dinero y sobre todo a muchas grandes empresas de inversion que no necesitaran grandes infraestructuras para participar
According to the News Portal: Ethereum would move from its current technology infrastructure, known as "proof of work," to a more energy-efficient infrastructure called "proof of stake."
What is "the merger" that has the cryptocurrency world on edge - Infobae
The upgrade aims to reduce transaction fees, a general request from the community among businesses and citizens
With this new infrastructure, Ethereum becomes one of the software with less contamination, as the proof of participation solves the famous emergent expense of proof of work on the blockchain
Now the Participants will fight with more and more money to secure the network something that will give the opportunity to thousands of people to earn money and above all to many large investment companies that will not need large infrastructures to participate.
Para el próximo post hablaré de los problemas que puede tener esta actualización para la red Ethereum.
For the next post I will talk about the problems this update may have for the Ethereum network.
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The new merge is really going to make Ethereum a centralized cryptocurrency, I would take of most of my Ethereum tokens and get some sbch tokens since I have few of them, I guess smartbch is a fast growing sector on the crypto verse.