"I am too scared to be nervous"

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Avatar for BCHisthebest
3 years ago
Topics: Story, 2020

In the deep dark woods, a dark dark

depth took away the shine, of a small girl

left, it wasn't a threat it was a theft, took

away everything from the little girl's Shelf.

Minam a little girl was send away to a

boarding School, it was 1970s a time

where woman were only taught to

become good wives to rich bossy


In thosc dark times it was impossible for

a little girl to survive, with a tainted heart

and shattered soul she stood beside the

Sota as hcr tather spoke ot the news of

her acceptance to St.Patrics Girls

Boarding School.

The room around her was exhausting she

could fccl the walls holding the breath of

the room with in they weren't ready to let

go, looking at all that exhaustiVe attirc ot

the room she could feel herself exhausted


"Are you nervous Miriam?" Miriam's

Mom Hella asked her she was a kind lady

but with a mind no indifferent then the

others like her father looking down from

ovcr the top Window. Mother askcd

Miriam a contusing questions turns out

Miriam knew exactly how she was fecling

"I am too scared to be nervous"

Now that was just sad, at that time Girls

who spoke that way were considered

treachcrous and wickcd with a dark scnse

of humor

Miriam's Mother Hella after listening to

that was more deternmined that her

decision for Miriam is correct that she

indecd nccded to know about all the

tacts, and opinions about being a lady.

Merciful Lies, Miriam whisperecd to


The word sound quite delicate at the

moment she coulcl fecl it cchoing inside

her mind, however, it was just to calm

Miriam's rendered hcart.

Cross, of Jesus hanging around her neck

like a Suicide rope, she could feel it all

inside thc pendant thc Jesus pendant

around her Neck it was too heavy.

The reason it was so hcavy wasn't its

Weight it was its origin. The pendant

rcpresentcd cverything that she was

carrying It was a gift by the same parents

who didn't want her the way shec was.

The gift was but a burden. It was a

Constant reminder of all the

responsibilities, and work that had been

bcstowed upon her. She knew that her

pendant was too heavy to be worn. She

sat on her seat on the Car that would

drop her at her new School. As the Car

started, and she was tar away trom her

home Miriam threw the pendant off the

Window. She felt a lot less heavier now,

she felt lighter and casy as if the burden

ot responsibilitics that she carricd was

just reminiscence.

to be continued..

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Avatar for BCHisthebest
3 years ago
Topics: Story, 2020
