From Death To Life

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3 years ago
From death to life

Coming To Life Out Of Death...

There is a big line that separates life and death. However, as we all know, life comes before death and a person loses life when death occurs. Both words are like words and opposite and they can't occur at the same time. In a normal situation, life comes before death and after death, the life can't return back. This is what is known as normalcy of life. But in this topic, we will be discussing the reverse of the normalcy of life; which is coming into life from death.

What does one believe once you hear the words "healing" or "miracle"?

Regardless of what we've seen or heard, we should remember to ask the question, "What does the Bible say?"

You see, what we believe should not be dependent on our opinion or upbringing, but should fully rely on what God has revealed to us through His Word.

When it comes to spiritual matters our personal opinion do not matter at all, it is God’s opinion that counts.

We may for instance argue all we want about divine healing and miracles generally, with some arguing for and some others arguing against claiming that it does not exist, but really all that debate is just a waste of precious time because it does not change anything. Our believing that it exist will not make it exist if does not and our not believing will not make it cease to exist if it truly exist.

Rather we should study God’s word to find out the mind of God about it and whatever the word says is final.

As we look into the perfect Word of the Lord, we see that as many as have accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior has been endowed with the gift of the Holy Spirit to help them in their Christian walk on this side of eternity.

Ask the lord of these things below;

Thank you for Holy Spirit through whom your children are empowered with gifts to perform signs and wonders in the name of Your Son – Jesus Christ. I ask that you please forgive me for the wrongs that i have done in my life in Jesus name. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that He rose again. I come to You today and ask that You please create afresh in me a clean heart and make me new in Jesus name. Fill me with Your Spirit and help me to walk with You every day of my life in Jesus name. Please help me to increase in love towards You on a daily basis.

In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul states clearly that the Holy Spirit can empower us with the gift of healings and miracles.

While these can ask many things, we must understand that we've the prospect to be a part of one among the best healings of all time.

What is that you ask? Simply put, it's the dead coming to life.

When we tell others the Gospel and that they respond, they are going from death to life, from condemnation to forgiveness, from being a toddler of the adversary to a toddler of the living God.

Maybe you've never experienced that supernatural healing, I am not just talking about healing from physical ailments now but I am referring to spiritual healing – which is cleansing from sin and admission into God’s family.

God desires to forgive your sins and make you a new creature. All you've got to try to to is come to Him. Are you ready to be translated from death to life?

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Avatar for BCHindia
3 years ago


When we tell others the Gospel and that they respond, they are going from death to life, from condemnation to forgiveness, from being a toddler of the adversary to a toddler of the living God

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3 years ago

Yes @irfansagr. You got the knowledge shared here. Thanks for being a part of my first article

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3 years ago