Moderators in various languages needed

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Written by: KoushBCH

Welcome to the BCH Ignite Builders-Community. We're happy you're here and excited for all the projects we host on this platform going forward. We also setup a BCH🔥Ignite Discord with channels for various languages prepared and want to take the opportunity to ask for anyone's support in taking in a role as moderator in a channel whose language he or she is proficient in. You can look up all hosted languages in the 'General' category of the Discord section. We're looking for moderators for each language besides EN-DE-ES-PT. That means we need mods able to communicate in and translate from ZH-JP-FR-RU-AR-FA.

As a moderator you have the freedom to curate the channels you're assigned to and act as a contact person for the BCH user base from relevant countries. You reply to eventual questions and suggestions. Should you not be able to answer any given question or received a suggestion, translate and redirect it to a suitable reference person from within the core community and translate back the given response. The majority of the time however you will be simply ensuring a certain netiquette to be upheld by the members participating in the chat.

If you are interested in fulfilling this task on a volunteer basis for now, please fill out this Onboarding Form.

Job Listing

  • moderator Arabic AR

  • moderator Farsi FA

  • moderator Russian RU

  • moderator Chinese ZH

  • moderator Japanese JP

$ 0.00


I was hoping you needed an english category moderator lol. Great to see so many languages on Read Cash! Growth boom!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a first-class initiative to carry many nationals on board the BCH mass adoption crusade. Some nationals don't understand English language, but when their language is included in community discussions they will feel along.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

If there were for an Indonesian moderator I would have applied for this job. Hopefully there will be in the future.

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4 years ago

Let's make an Indonesian chat. Join us and post your request in the general-en channel.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That is a great step, I can speak and write in Arabic, I will check the Community. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice work man keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago