Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding sits down with Co Ceo QNetworks John Trobough

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3 years ago

I find it interesting, so might share to all users.

Former Brigadier General Robert Spalding and Co Ceo John Trobough talks about 5g, telecommunications infrastructure big data and tiktok.


People think that the biggest investor in Silicon Valley is Intel but actually it is China. The Chinese communist party has access to U.S. technology faster than our own government.

RS: What is 5g to you?


5g is the biggest innovation since the invention of internet. The real value of 5g is industrial internet. When we can do that, we can get back to where we used to be as technical thought leaders in telecommunications. We've lost that and all the data speaks the truth. 5g will be the underpinning of the reindustrialization.

RS: What are the security problems on 5g? Who has the access to the data that tech companies are creating?


5g creates hypothetically 10x the amount of data. As China has said "the data is the gold or the oil of the next generation". Tiktok can collect much information as they want on individual on U.S citizen. With 5g the data will be more secure.

We don't have any telecommunication manufacturer left in the U.S. What we are doing is buying other people products and services and putting it into our networks then telling the U.S. citizens to trust it.

RS: What about Banning of Chinese telecommunication Products?


It is not the products, it is the global standards, 5g is the global standard and it is driven by a lot of chinese companies. They are aggressive in global standards participation.

This conversation is cut or more accurately i translated it on what i have understood. So if there is something that its wrong with what i wrote, i sincerely apologize.

Will be deleting this articles once someone told me too.

Here is the full video interview

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3 years ago


Very great writing my dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh well. Thank you

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3 years ago

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