You must be able to use your feelings to make constructive decisions about your actions in order for you to participate in your EQ. You may lose control of your emotions and the ability to behave thoughtfully and properly when you become excessively anxious.
Think of a moment when you have been overcome by tension. Was it easy to think or make a logical decision clearly? Probably not. When you become excessively anxious, the ability to judge feelings both clearly and objectively, your own and other people's, becomes impaired.
Emotions are vital pieces of information that teach you about yourself and others, however we may become frustrated and lose control of ourselves in the face of tension that brings us out of our comfort zone. With the ability to handle stress and remain emotionally present, without letting it override your thoughts and self-control, you can learn to obtain disturbing knowledge. You will be able to make decisions that allow you to regulate impulsive emotions and behaviors, control your emotions in healthy ways, take action, fulfill commitments, and adjust to changing conditions.
Often times yeah, when I let my emotions rule over me I don't think rationally, say the words that I actually regret after. And I lose all the ability to connect with people without having to know what they actually feel or what they thought about me. Thanks for this article! Informative!