Impacts of technology in our lives

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Technology has had a huge impact on all our daily lives, from social media to work we look at where the impact is....

Technology affects all every aspect of 21st century life, from transport efficiency and safety to access to food and healthcare, socialization and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled global communities to form, and ideas and resources to be shared more easily. However, the overuse of some technology has been linked to a decline in mental health, increased social division and privacy concerns.

We take technology for granted every day – even when it’s delivering us the latest news in an instant, making our cappuccino, or connecting us with a loved one halfway across the country (or even the world).Of all the recent innovations, which are the ones that we truly couldn’t imagine everyday life without? Has the coronavirus pandemic made us even more reliant on tech, or helped us overcome the year’s challenges?

Technology has improved our communication,it is seen as the international audio call being edged out in favor of messaging and social media as a way of touching base with our loved ones. Another medium that has seen a boom in the last few years is video calling. It’s nothing particularly new – the concept has been around for about as long as Bell’s telephone – but the revolution of high-speed broadband at affordable prices means that it’s now easy to send and receive the amounts of data needed for a video call.

While video calling has spent the last decade slowly creeping into daily life, it’s the ongoing pandemic that has pushed it over the edge and secured its future as an everyday way to stay in touch.It’s not just social lives that have been transformed by video calls, either. The pandemic has also meant that more of us are working from home than ever, and in-person meetings have been replaced with video conferencing as office staff swap the boardroom for the bedroom (or wherever else they can find space to work at home).

Technology has decreased privacy, we’re spending more of our lives online than ever before. Of course, as with everything else, technology has also given us the tools to protect ourselves and ensure that we are safe as our lives migrate online

Technology has helped us accessible shopping in ease, it also helped in better information access

Another trend in technology has been the rise of fitness devices. While we’ve been using tech to help us stay trim for many years now, we’ve never before been able to do it to such a scientific degree, with instant feedback and recommendations from devices that can monitor our workouts as we complete them.

In conclusion, there’s no denying that technology has, and will continue to, have a huge impact on our lives, in one way or another.

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