Where's the fire!

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3 years ago

What are you rushing about for, might one ask in a friendly way.  Why did you dash out of the house this morning as if a tiger were after you?  Why have you been racing about all day like a neurotic grasshopper?  Why do you charge along subway platforms like cavalry?  What is the idea of writhing with impatience when your phone call isn't answered inside of three seconds?  Why do you sometimes finish people's sentences for them and "take the words out of their mouths"?  Why do you risk your neck dashing into the street thirty seconds before the green light makes it safe?

What is it all about?  You appear to be going somewhere but where?  Surely all this frenzied rushing should have a logical objective but has it?

Actually, I think you will find that it has not.  I think if you analyze your movements for one whole day you will discover that three-quarters of your activities have really been wasted motion.  You could have done a better day's work with much more profit to yourself and others with about 25 percent of the energy, quietly and scientifically applied besides going to bed with healthy fatigue instead of nervous prostration.

Where are you going?  Well, I do not know about you, but I do know exactly where most people are going is the cemetery.  We know that unless we regenerate we shall die some day.

Now people who are regenerating do not rush, because part of the regeneration treatment is to cultivate poise, calm, and patience.  So all the rushing and dashing and trampling on other people is just in order to get to the cemetery.  Hardly seems worth it, does it?

Walk along any busy street and study the rushing, surging throng, and note that they are all rushing somewhere to the graveyard.  Of course, the route will be a circuitous one, they will loop round thousands of miles first but that is the goal to which they are rushing.

At the entrance to a large cemetery near New York a notice says, with unconscious irony, "one way traffic only."

Now, is it good enough to wear yourself out, undermine your health, and worry all the joy out of your life just to go off and be buried?

Take it easy.  Enjoy life reasonably as you go along.  You are really in eternity now, and in eternity no wise person hurries.  God does not want us to die.  It is we who kill ourselves with hurry and worry.  If we understood God's laws and applied them, we could live very long lives on this earth in strong vigorous health, and then, when there was no more to learn here, transcend consciously.  Some day the race will learn this.  Meanwhile, take it easy and trust in God.

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3 years ago
