Better Three Hours too Soon than a minute too Late

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2 years ago

Punctuality is a good trait that can develop at any age even if it is good to develop from childhood. As the nature and capacity of the following things gradually decreases with age. It is a criteria to do the work immediately at the right time. It is a basic virtue that gives it a lifetime of beneficial fruit. Lack of time restriction in life leads to various harmful effects. It is considered to be the best key to success in every field of work. People who cannot be punctual, suffer from failure in their lives. A quote of William Shakespeare is very popular  "three hours sooner is better than a minute later". Thus it means that one will hurry and wait instead of being late. It's very important to teach the children about punctuality, if taught to children at a young age, will help them in the long run.

Punctuality is the habit of attending a task on time. In a broader sense, it is a habit of working at the right time. Punctuality is the key to success in life. A student who is punctual and disciplined always gets respect and social acceptance in school and society. They are appreciable by their parents and teachers. A punctual student always achieves success in his studies. In school time, punctuality ensures that you will reach the class on time and thus leave no part of the lesson. Punctuality during school life will also help you manage your work and personal life. Being punctual as a student, you will be easy to do your work on time and thus you will also succeed in your career.

When you are constantly punctual, it shows your strength and control that you follow your life. It establishes your foresight to deal with potential problems in the future. Effective management of your time enables you to adapt to your situation and effectively change your strategy. On the contrary, being late gives a very wrong message about you. It shows that you are powerless to deal with what life throws at you. This lack of time management creates the impression that you are in control of time and not vice versa.

Teachers who appear ready and on time to take themselves and their responsibilities seriously. If you can afford to be on time, you will have unsatisfied students, you will get a minimum salary increase, and no consideration will be given to promotion. The teacher determines the tone of managing himself well. Thus the teacher's time restriction becomes a torchlight for the students. As an elder, the teacher naturally produces such a response.

Punctuality not only makes you trustworthy but also helps you increase your confidence. For example, when people depend on you and give you more work, you know that they have trusted you. This will increase your self-esteem and assure you that you can handle great things.


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2 years ago


I'm someone who extols punctuality. If I have a meeting with you by. 8:00 AM, I'll not come by 8:01AM. I abhor people who aren't punctual, who keep others waiting

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2 years ago