3' Rs are Very Important !

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2 years ago

Waste is often the inevitable result of human activities. It takes place in our homes, schools, offices and factories. How we choose to handle this waste affects the air, water and land and humans, plants and animals that depend on them. It is very important that we manage waste responsibly. There are four basic methods of responsible waste management. Three r's - reducing, reusing and recycling - are three ways, and most are environmentally preferred. Reducing, reusing and recycling waste helps save landfill space by placing useful materials out. The amount of energy and natural resources needed to produce or collect raw materials and produce products decreases. Sending the product wherever it is sold reduces the emission of greenhouse gasses.

The majority of grocery stores are even offering canned beans, popcorn kernels, nuts, and seeds and more to help reduce packaging waste. When making a purchase, keep in mind the quantity of packaging material you are buying, and throw it out. Meat still comes in styrofoam trays and plastic packaging is used to increase shelf life. These can be inevitable with some food items, so make sure you're recycling items that can be recycled, such as cans and cardboard packaging items. It's good to take care of it.

By refusing to buy items that you do not need, by using items more than once again and by placing items that are no longer in use, you can contribute to a healthy planet.Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change. It also helps to save the environment for future generations. Saves money Reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfill and burners.

Although plenty of resources are recycled annually, bottled water and other disposable facilities, such as plastic grocery bags and disposable coffee cups, result in unnecessary waste of valuable resources. According to the American Chemistry council, about 75.7% of the plastic bottles purchased in the United States are lost in landfill and only 24.3 percent are recycled. However, in 2005, plastic bottles were recycled, resulting in the acquisition of 2.1 billion pounds of petroleum-based resources and reuse to make other items only.


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2 years ago
