Covid Authoritarianism & Theology

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2 years ago

Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.  Those who do study history are doomed to watch helplessly as others repeat it.” – Some Guy

“Those who would give up essential Liberty to purse a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -  Benjamin Franklin

The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.” –  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Let me state my belief at the outset:  I wholeheartedly approve of vaccinations as a technology.  They have unquestionably saved the lives of millions throughout history.   I am also happy that this new mRNA technology exists and is being used to fight covid as I believe these covid vaccines have probably saved the lives of thousands around the world.   

I also believe that global government officials and large corporate entities are overplaying the effectiveness of the vaccines, exaggerating the dangers of covid, actively hiding, and ignoring potential harmful side effects of the vaccine, and demonizing any potential alternative treatments to Covid.  My intent of this stream of consciousness in a word document is my attempt to explain this belief. 

It turns out I go into additional philosophical stuff as well.

The Stream of Consciousness

Nobody in their right mind trusts the official narrative of the Chinese Communist Party.  Not even the Communist party members believe the official narratives. We are right to not believe them, because they are liars.  All communists are liars as lying is an inevitable result of their ideology.   The communist ideology is atheistic (also goes by the more palatable name of ‘secular’), and therefore believes the highest good is what they call “The Collective Good.”   The Communist Party both determines the rules that will best service The Collective Good and is inevitably the beneficiary of these rules.  The Collective Good will always be what is good for the Party.   The objective truth, often elusive under the freest circumstances, will inevitably be opposed to the Party’s will, so whenever there is a uni-party in control, truth becomes the first victim, replaced by lies to fit the party narrative.

It does not require mass co-ordination to propagate false narratives, it just requires tribalism and religious fervor.   Devoted communists and loyal party members will independently alter or turn a blind eye to altered facts and data because if they believe its for The Collective Good.   

An example of this is when Dr. Fauci admitted he lied on national television that people shouldn’t wear masks because “… [public health experts] were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply.”    In other words, he lied for The Collective Good.

Dr. Fauci isn’t the only one doing this, the entire group that identifies themselves as the political left behave this way.  This is because the core ideology of the left is secularism which believes in The Collective Good.  Their ideology believes that lying is permissible if it benefits The Collective Good or benefits the Party.  

People on the political right lie as well and often.  Humans, regardless of ideology, are susceptible to tribalism and group think.  However, the ideology of the left makes it especially prone to lying and fact bending.  While others may have a tinge of guilt in their conscious since they know they are behaving immorally, leftists do so with no moral qualms because they believe their lies benefit The Greater Good.

Dangerously, the political right does not hold any positions of power.   For decades now, leftists’ ideologues have been populating all the institutions of power.  

Here are a few stats that provide evidence of the political leftists controlling institutional power in the US.  Many more such examples can be easily found.

·         A 2010 study (2) shows that 82% of law professors are registered Democrats

·         2016 study (3) shows that leftist professors outnumber conservative professors by nearly 12 to 1.

·         66% of U.S. Scientists identify as liberal or very liberal, compared to only 9% who identified as conservatives (8)

·         CDC employees made over 8,000 political contributions between 2015 and 2020, of which only 5 were to Republicans. (4)

·         Over 90% of Google employees political donations were to Democrats in 2020. (5)

·         95% of Epidemiologists, 87% of scientists, 87% of High School Teachers, 94% of Research Admins political donations were to Democrats (6)

·         95% of all political donations in 2016 from employees of the federal government went to Hillary Clinton. (7)

Right or left, all people suffer from group think when not exposed to alternative viewpoints.  The level of ideological incest in government, academia, media, health care, and corporate institutions leads to such group think.   Its even more dangerous when the prevailing ideology puts party agenda head of truth.

Here are examples of leftists in positions of power altering or discussing altering data to shape fit into their agenda:

·         OSHA is removing requirements for companies to report on adverse events to avoid “discouraging vaccines” (16)

·         Administrator at hospitals discuss altering data to inflate covid cases to scare the public. (17)

·         CDC changes definition of Vaccination (18) since the current injections didn’t meet the previous definition

·         CDC stopped testing vaccinated individuals to reduce reported case count among the vaccinated (19).   This is important because the vast majority of reported covid deaths are “with covid” as in they had multiple co-morbidities, like heart attack, while testing positive for covid. (20)  Covid may have contributed to their death, but if that same person had been vaccinated, they would not have been counted as a covid death since they were not tested.  Even if they were tested and shown to have covid, they may not be counted as being in the ICU or dying due to covid.    This is how they can manipulate death and ICU counts to show a higher percentage of covid deaths among unvaccinated versus vaccinated.  

·         Hospitalizations for Covid are mixed in with hospitalizations with Covid.  Researchers investigated and saw as many of 45% of Covid hospitalizations that the patient having Covid was incidental to them being at the hospital. (21) (i.e., a patient broke his hand so went to the hospital.  While at the hospital they made him take a test, which came back positive.)   This further exaggerates the disparity between vaccinated and unvaccinated statistics because the hospitals do not test people who have been vaccinated unless they are showing up because they’re suffering from covid symptoms.

As lies go on, the inconsistencies become more glaring:

·         Between March of 2020 and Sep of 2021, there have been a total of 209,704 covid hospitalizations in the U.S.  (9)  This is supposedly causing hospitals to be overwhelmed.  But in 2017/18 there were 808,000 flu hospitalizations, in 2018/19 there were 491,000, and in 2019/20 there were 405,000. (10).   How are 200,000 covid cases overwhelming hospitals when previously over 800,000 flu cases didn’t?    Those 200,000 covid cases aren’t on top of a regular flu season either, because the 2020/21 flu season hospitalizations are only 2,038 people.   Which raises another question, how did the flu miraculously disappear?  It is possible that the seasonal flu is being labelled as Covid to further a political narrative?

·         If hospitals are truly being overwhelmed, why are they firing almost half their nursing staff for not getting a vaccine?  Isn’t that only exacerbating the problem?  Maybe hospitals being overwhelmed is vital for their political narrative. 

·         The claim is that the surge in new cases is from the delta variant, assuming that most people have been vaccinated or have developed natural immunity to the alpha variant.   If the vaccine creates a spike protein to fight the alpha variant, what is the point of receiving it for the delta?  It would be as useful as getting last years flu shot to protect against this year’s flu strain.

·         Israel has the highest vaccination rate, over 78% with a high amount already receiving a 3rd booster.  However, they have a higher infection rate than they did before the vaccines were available.  (11)    Likewise, the vaccination rate is 65% in UK, but covid cases continue to climb.  One can say, “oh those are all unvaccinated.” Sure, fine.  But if the population of unvaccinated is going down, shouldn’t cases be decreasing as well?

·         Thailand had almost no covid cases throughout the 2020 pandemic spread.  They only received its first vaccines in Feb 2021.  They are now facing a massive spike in covid cases that directly correlated to them receiving and administering the vaccination. (12) (13)

·         Mongolia had near zero covid cases for all of 2020, but covid cases have begun spiking around April of 2021, around the same time they began receiving vaccines. (22) (23)

·         Countries like Sweden, Denmark, and India have had no surges in cases average vaccination rates and no mandates or lockdowns. (13, just swap the countries name) India’s vaccination rate is only 12.5% (14).    India’s government heavily promoted the use of Ivermectin and HCQ to its population, which Indian doctors began prescribing.  Covid cases dropped dramatically afterward.  (15)   Why then, are countries like Sweden, Denmark, and India having low covid rates?  They’re not outliers either – when you look at poorer countries with lower vaccination rates, the number of covid cases are drastically lower too.   Look at Eastern Europe, South America, Middle East, etc.  At best, there is no correlation between vaccination rate and covid case increases.  At worst, there seems to be a negative correlation.  

What a conspiracy though and for what? Why are so many people lying or going along with the lies?   Money, power, and their religious ideology.    With any mass effort to force millions to do something, there are always two types of people:  Bootleggers and Baptists.

This term comes from the prohibition era.  There were two groups of people who were in favor of outlawing alcohol – Bootleggers and Baptists.    Bootleggers wanted alcohol prohibited so they could have monopolistic control over the market.   Mafia corrupted law enforcement so they would be on the dole.  Many people in positions of authority were actual gangsters or had connections with the mob.  Baptists wanted alcohol banned because they saw it as a disgusting scourge afflicting the nation and bringing ruin to many.   Maybe the Baptists weren’t wrong, but its painfully obvious now that outlawing human’s right to drink alcohol caused more death and human suffering than it solved.

Similarly, today’s mega corporations desire to have a captured market of 7 billion+ people required by law to regularly consume their products.  Politicians and ruling elites stand to gain millions in stocks, bribes, influence, and donations.  More importantly, they gain an unprecedented power to control human lives.    The political motivation to generate a perpetual environment of fear to put in place routine mandatory vaccinations and impose new social controls cannot be denied.  This need to instill fear in the public is why they enforce facemask mandates, even though there is not real-world data that show mask mandates are effective what-so-ever. (29)  Wearing a facemask is a constant visual reminder to be afraid.  Be afraid of the air, be afraid of others.  Better stay inside and watch our news programs.

The World Trade Centers were destroyed 20 years ago.  They used that as an excuse to completely obliterate our right to privacy.  Three new federal agencies were created – DHS, NSA, and TSA.  All three are still here.   DHS now label political opponents as ‘domestic terrorists’, NSA collects and tracks us on every single device, and the TSA still forces us to be photographed nude and groped every time we want to fly.  To sociopaths, wielding power over others is the point.  There doesn’t need to be another motive.

This is not to say that the vaccines are not effective or are poison, just as to say that Islamic terrorism wasn’t a real threat.  It just means that there is a huge incentive for them to hide negative results of and potential alternatives to the vaccines, just as there was a huge incentive for them to hype the dangers of terrorists and downplay or hide facts that went against their narrative, like the fact that Iraq had no real weapons of mass destruction.  Literally billions of dollars and unimaginable power are at stake, say, if ivermectin proves to be a highly effective remedy.  I’m not claiming it is, I don’t know.  However, there is zero incentive for them to study it and every reason to demonize those who do.   If Ivermectin did turn out to be an effective treatment of Covid, then the EUA would be revoked because EUAs are only authorized if there are no other approved treatments available. (27)  Not only would they lose all their billions in profits, but they would also be liable to lawsuits to all vaccine injuries as the EUA provides them blanket immunity. (28)   All their plans would be ruined by a cheap and effective alternative.

So Big Government and Big Pharma are the proverbial Bootleggers.  Who then are the Baptists?   The new religious zealots – Those who believe is Secular Scientism.  Believers in the Collective Good who’s church is the State and who’s deity is “The Science.”   These new religious adherents believe following the rules is the highest moral duty.  Everyone must conform for the Collective Good.   Nothing infuriates them more than people who defy state authority.  People who go against the authority of the “experts”, their ordained priesthood, are just being selfish “assholes”.

I was mulling over what you read in Nic Offerman’s book that appealed to you: “don’t be an asshole.”  It reminded me of Google’s old mantra: “don’t be evil” which they have since done away with as to at least not be hypocritical.    While these two mantras are superficially similar, in fact they are ideologically opposite.   “Don’t be an asshole” the distilled creed of the Secular religion, whereas “Don’t be evil” is a distilled creed of more in line with the Christian religion.

Humans are social and tribal creatures.  It is in our genes to intensely desire to fit into the tribe as it literally was a matter of life or death to our ancestors.  As a result, we have an extreme psychological pressure to conform to social norms.   “Don’t be an asshole” is an appeal to that psychological pressure.  It means - don’t rock the boat, just go along to get along, just conform.  There is wisdom in the crowd.   People who swim against the stream upset social cohesion and harm the Collective Good.  Dissidents are selfish “assholes” who must be punished.  Sometimes those “assholes” are then scapegoated for causing all the problems in society.  “If only there can be a final solution to get rid of all the problem people, then our society will function as it ought.”   As we have learned from history, societies often become sick.  What is socially acceptable is not what is always morally good.   Sometimes, the world needs “assholes.”

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” – St. Anthony the Great

“Don’t be evil” on the other hand, implies that there is an objective definition and criteria to what it means to be “evil” and that we ought to not be it, regardless of what others may do.  There may be disagreements on what is or isn’t evil.  Admittedly, objective morality isn’t clearly black and white, the line is often blurred and there are violent disagreements on where the line should be drawn.  But the principal value is that you stand rooted in what you believe to be right.  You can and should be open to being convinced you are wrong, but you must not ever compromise your principles for the world.   I am opening to hearing a mathematical proof that 2+2 really equals 6, but I will defy the whole world to my last breath before I am compelled to say that 2+2 doesn’t equal 4.  It is in the realm of possibility that I can be convinced that Christ was not God or that there is no God, but I would die before I am compelled to deny Him.  I would choose death because I believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the life of the world to come.   This belief is another incredibly consequential difference between Christian and Secular ideologies.   

Secularists are nihilists.  They believe that this material world is all there is.  While they claim to desire The Collective Good, individually they want to maximize material comfort and extend their life as much as possible.   They see death as the true end to their existence and are terrified of it.  A Secular society idolizes youth and clamors to stay young.  It creates a society of hypochondriacs that will be willing to trade anything to feel the psychological dopamine release from being given a sense of safety.   It is a society of cowards, willing to kill millions to avoid dying themselves.

Christians believe that we ought to make this world as best as possible while we are here, but ultimately this world is transitory.  Our life and comfort in this material world is subordinate to our obedience to our King, and that the inexpressible joy of His Kingdom to come is our real aim.   Christ said, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20) If our Master did not expect material comfort in this world, why should we, His servants, expect any more?

Paradoxically, even though The Collective Good is the avowed aim of the Secularist, it is the Christian’s ideology that has the power to transform the world to be Good.  It is this willingness to forsake the world that has the power to transform the coward into the courageous.   A dead thing can go with the flow.  It takes something that is alive to struggle against the stream.   When a society is populated with men who put the Objective Good over their individual lives, you get a society that is much better than if they aimed for The Collective Good in the first place.    

“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 16:25)

“But what about the Baptists!? They were Christians and by your own admissions were also moral authoritarians.”   That is true people can become authoritarians while still being Christian, it requires Christianity to overturn authoritarianism.  That is why prohibition ended rather quickly and why the war on drugs persists.  Christians fought back against prohibition after they saw the devastation is brought and had the societal power to end it.  Christians are largely against the drug war now after seeing the horrors it has caused, but societal power is now in the hands of the secularists who continue it.   

This is because the aim of the Baptists was not The Collective Good, but concern for the suffering of the individual.  Alcoholism was rampant before prohibition, with the average American drinking more than 7 gallons of alcohol per year, compared to just 2.3 gallons today.  Baptists saw people dying, losing their livelihood, their families, their health, and sanity to the grip of alcoholism.  Their motivation was to stop human suffering and help end the vice that dominated men’s lives.    Modern vaccine mandate advocates have a veneer of concern for those who are getting sick from covid, but really what motivates them is a hatred for non-conformity.   The internet is rife with all manners of evils that vaccine mandators wish upon the unvaccinated.

What Baptists got wrong, and what other Christians proved right, was that while fighting vice is a good moral principle, free will is the higher one.  In fact, it’s the foundational moral principle because without free will, no act can be moral.   The drunkard cannot overcome his vice if he isn’t permitted to struggle against it.  The man cannot be charitable if he is robbed, and the beggar cannot develop a feeling of gratitude if he is robbing.   It would be better if the drunkard stopped drinking, and the man shared his money with the poor, but it must be done by their own volition.  We can encourage, lecture, and praise, but we must not coerce.  Force poisons morality.  When the Baptists used the force of the state to wrestle the drink out of the man’s hand, the man just went deeper into his alcoholism.  He sought out more dangerous drink, and set is will towards his vice rather than against it.  Alcoholism increased rather than decrease.  The government began making the victims criminals and literally poisoning alcohol, killing over 10,000.

Free Will is what makes man in the image of God.   God gave us free will, like He has will, so we may choose to be like Him.  True love can only be if it is freely given, but that means that He must allow for us to choose to not love.   We must be permitted to choose evil for our good to have any meaning.   

The End.
























24.  (not referenced anywhere, but good)

25.  (not referenced anywhere, but good)





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2 years ago
