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Avatar for Aviceena11
3 years ago


is a very serious and sometimes fetal parasites diseases characterized by fever, chill and anemia. The disease is cause by a parasites that is transmitted from one human to another throassay sun :plasmodium falciparum,.malaria, in human, The parasites call sporozoite migrate to the liver :plasmodium falciparum, p. bite of i?infected anopheles mosquitoes. There are four type of malaria that can infect human, malarea, vivax, and falciparum,

The falciparum :in human whole blood s. F bioline malaria Ah intended for professional use, only for an initial screening test reactivate specimen should be confirmed by a supplement assay such as micro scopic examination of thin blood smear.

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Avatar for Aviceena11
3 years ago


Thanks, for making us understand that all our health insurance is not our weathe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very nice article and interesting good, health is wealth you can bay wealth with out health, keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago