Book Review - Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money

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When Rabbi Daniel Lapin was writing his book, he relied on the traditional wisdom of Judaism, laid out in the Torah, the Talmud and the Kabbalah. According to him, Judaism has never condemned wealth and never considered any fortune unrighteous. He acknowledges that different religions have different positions in regards to wealth. However, he mentions that society can genuinely prosper only when people treat each other with dignity and respect regardless of religious views.

Since Daniel Lapin is a rabbi, he uses real stories about successful Jewish people as examples. Nevertheless, his book is accessible to any reader, regardless of religion and nationality. He says that the wealthier a person becomes, the more he has to help people around him. When Daniel Lapin followed this principle, things were going well for him, but everything fell apart when he abandoned his rules of prosperity.

Many people are ashamed to admit that they would like to earn more money. However, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Just think about all the opportunities that will open up to you with financial well-being, and how good it would feel to get free of mortgage and debts.

You can be happy with your life and be grateful for the gifts that it gives to you, but you should always strive for more. If you want more money, it’s outstanding to admit it. Rabbi Lapin believes that the more money you want, the more you should be able to work for yours and your loved ones benefit.

One of the Jewish sages of the past named Ben Zoma loved to be in the middle of the crowd. When he did that, he laughed joyfully and asked God to bless people around him, as all people are his servants. A long time ago, when Adam wanted to eat bread, he had to plow the earth, plant seeds, make the flour and bake the dough all by himself. However, when he, Ben Zoma, wants to eat bread, it has already been made by someone else, and he just has to buy it. Adam had to shear his sheep and make clothes out of wool and skins. At the same time, Ben Zoma wears clothes made by someone else. All craftsmen give him all the fruits of their labor he needs. In the same fashion, Rabbi Lapin considers other people’s success as an essential part of his well-being. And he is genuinely interested in the prosperity of his readers.

However, Rabbi Lapin points out that his book can prove useful only for readers who want to make more money. It will not change anything in your life if you live on the bench in the park, your only source of income is begging for money, and you’re excellent with that. Also, the book is not going to prove useful for those who have no desire to improve his financial well-being and is okay with obediently paying his bills and living from salary to salary. But if you are interested in getting rich, then this book is definitely for you.

In fact, making a fortune may be compared with a hobby. It also requires you to gain new skills and become a part of the whole subculture. However, the difference between earning money and other interests is that you have to spend much more time on the former.

Don’t confuse the desire to make money with greediness. Rabbi Lapin believes, that if someone is earning money by the rules of prosperity, then he eventually will come to reasonable terms with people around him. However, it doesn’t mean that you should learn how to get along with people to get rich. It’s quite the opposite: when you learn how to make money, you will know how to build relationships.

This book makes the Jewish approach to money and wealth accessible and useful for everyone. The secrets of Jewish ways of making business, the advice, tools, and methods described in the book can be adopted by anyone, regardless of religion and origin. After reading this, you will know how to make money and help your close ones while doing so.

Summary and 10 Ideas of Thou Shall Prosper

Idea â„–1: Conduct business with dignity and respect for others.

Idea â„–2: If you want to get rich, make new business connections.

Idea â„–3: Learn your weak and strong sides.

Idea №4: Don’t expect your business to be perfect.

Idea â„–5: To become a leader, you have to be consistent with your views and beliefs.

Idea â„–6: If you want to make more money, be ready for changes and innovations.

Idea â„–7: Learn to predict a future of your business.

Idea â„–8: Know how to make your money work for you.

Idea â„–9: If you want to get rich, donate 10% of your income to charity after paying taxes.

Idea â„–10: Never retire.

Review Thou Shall Prosper

Not every aspect of Rabbi Lapin’s book applies to our economic and social realities. However, it’s not supposed to be strictly followed and is open to interpretation. At times the book is overly detailed. At the same time, it’s filled with easy to support and practical advice that will help you to develop your business and leadership skills.

This book gives us the opportunity to look at the process of making business in the context of Ten Commandments and other laws of the Torah. These commandments will not only help you to earn more money but also improve the quality of life by interacting with other people in pursuit of a common good.

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